Wisconsin Crazyness

John Uskglass

Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Well, over the last week, I have gone from NYC to see an excellent collection of Byzantine art, to the train, to NW Wisconsin to my family cabin. Crazyness.
There's a huge collecton of Byzantine masterpieces at the Metropolitan Meuseum of Art. OR there was, till a few days ago. My aunt lives over there, so I stayed with her. Moderatly cool for a mormon, my uncle is, and rich like all great Americans.

NYC is a fun place if you have nearly unlimited funds, especially now with the Turkish immigration to the place. Good food, and was able to work on my Turkish (most peopel where from Gaizintep and Trapzon, they might have well beeen speaking Azeri).

I took a train to Chicago back (I flew to NYC), to Minniapolis, one of my favorite cities in all the US, maybe the world, and say some family (yes, for you DaCers, the one I was attracterd too), then went to the family cabin in middle Wisconsin.

Oddly enough, I managed to have two major accidents there, more then any other of my dozen visits there.

Firstly, I managed to break both my glasses and my laptop's screen falling off the couch I was sleeping on because my cousin was having sex in the other room and I was listening.

Secondly, I impaled my right foot on a fucking nail. I'm on some anti-bis and pain meds, and I've ruined a perfectly good sock.

Good side? On my return trip to Minniapolis, I got about 5 Phillip K. Dick books, and about 8 computer games, most of them below 10 USD as I found the origional GameStop that has almost all pre-millineal computer games.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Firstly, I managed to break both my glasses and my laptop's screen falling off the couch I was sleeping on because my cousin was having sex in the other room and I was listening.

Heh.... that is so incredibly funny... Now I'll have to look at you like your some goofy looking Nerd with tape on his glasses and tape on his laptop....

Edit- Damn, this post is incredibly stupid...
Pipboy2000 said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Firstly, I managed to break both my glasses and my laptop's screen falling off the couch I was sleeping on because my cousin was having sex in the other room and I was listening.

Heh.... that is so incredibly funny... Now I'll have to look at you like your some goofy looking Nerd with tape on his glasses and tape on his laptop....

Edit- Damn, this post is incredibly stupid...


Dude, I've got the most amazing mental image in my head.
Malkavian said:
Pipboy2000 said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Firstly, I managed to break both my glasses and my laptop's screen falling off the couch I was sleeping on because my cousin was having sex in the other room and I was listening.

Heh.... that is so incredibly funny... Now I'll have to look at you like your some goofy looking Nerd with tape on his glasses and tape on his laptop....

Edit- Damn, this post is incredibly stupid...


Dude, I've got the most amazing mental image in my head.

Heh, yeah, that's pretty close to it. I was looking for an excuse to get rid of my lap top, but it had a great game of FO2 on it that I hoped to get to this PC.

Pain meds are cool, secondly.

*begins construction of CCR Memorial Centre*
*hugs Ratty*
What in the world is so cool about Minneapolis? We, or it, rather, doesn't even have outdoor baseball. The winter is lousy cold 8 months of the year, and the other four months is like one giant fucking road construction project. Minnesota has a tightass numbnut of a fuckhead governor and a pretentious pussy of a senator in the form of Norm Coleman, who actually lost a gubernatorial race to Jesse Ventura! Even the U of Mn is fucked up, spending way too much on worthless projects like its bloated 50 million dollar wreck of a union, and has no school spirit because everyone goes home for the weekend and there is no football stadium on campus. And if a unversity team does happen to win a national champioship, in say, hockey, all the fucktard idiot and repressed dumbshit undergrads riot and give everyone a bad name for their immaturity.

The city is overrun with refugees from Somalia who stridently refuse to integrate in any way shape or form to their new home, who took them in despite the economic and political costs of doing so.

If Minneapolis is your idea of a great city, no wonder you have a hard on for Turkish culture. :roll:
What in the world is so cool about Minneapolis? We, or it, rather, doesn't even have outdoor baseball. The winter is lousy cold 8 months of the year, and the other four months is like one giant fucking road construction project. Minnesota has a tightass numbnut of a fuckhead governor and a pretentious pussy of a senator in the form of Norm Coleman, who actually lost a gubernatorial race to Jesse Ventura! Even the U of Mn is fucked up, spending way too much on worthless projects like its bloated 50 million dollar wreck of a union, and has no school spirit because everyone goes home for the weekend and there is no football stadium on campus. And if a unversity team does happen to win a national champioship, in say, hockey, all the fucktard idiot and repressed dumbshit undergrads riot and give everyone a bad name for their immaturity.
Did'nt know any of it. And by Minniapolis I think I meant more St. Paul.

You live there?

The city is overrun with refugees from Somalia who stridently refuse to integrate in any way shape or form to their new home, who took them in despite the economic and political costs of doing so.
Ah, so that was the language.

They took the place of Mexicans at Mall of America, I noticed. At the Alamo Flag Shop (that did'nt have either the new Georgian flag or anything else in the caucases I wanted), the entire staff was Somalian, most of the janitors where Somalians.......

If Minneapolis is your idea of a great city, no wonder you have a hard on for Turkish culture.
I don't. The language is interesting, and it's a bizzare mix of Roman, Armenian, Persian and Turkish influences- it's a melting pot on par with America, and I find that interesting.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
Did'nt know any of it. And by Minniapolis I think I meant more St. Paul.

You live there?

No I mean Minneapolis, with references to the UM-Twin Cities Minneapolis Campus.

And I lived there. For twelve years.

They took the place of Mexicans at Mall of America, I noticed. At the Alamo Flag Shop (that did'nt have either the new Georgian flag or anything else in the caucases I wanted), the entire staff was Somalian, most of the janitors where Somalians.......

No, they displaced the Mexicans. Who knew there were people who work for less than Mexicans?

I don't. The language is interesting, and it's a bizzare mix of Roman, Armenian, Persian and Turkish influences- it's a melting pot on par with America, and I find that interesting.

So you say, and your blatant racism is a by-product of, what, then?

Note for everyone else:
I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I have nothing against the Somalis (not Somalians) or Mexicans, but in this context my points are necessary.
No I mean Minneapolis, with references to the UM-Twin Cities Minneapolis Campus.

And I lived there. For twelve years.
No, I mean I prefer St. Paul.

No, they displaced the Mexicans. Who knew there were people who work for less than Mexicans?
Somalians come from one of the worst nations in the world. Illiteracy rates are so high that the Somalian language was'nt a written one until the 1920's, it's essentially divided by 3 warlords, and the only national rescource it has is alot of old AK-47's. It's about as fucked up as a nation can be.

So you say, and your blatant racism is a by-product of, what, then?
I'm not a rascist, you're the one talking shit about the Somalians.
I'm talking about the Somalis (and it is Somalis, my non-racisit friend) to highlight your own intolerance. And isn't it convenient that you like St Paul better, especially when you said in your first post (misspelled of course) that you like Minneapolis? The Twin Cities, sure, but still separated by 10 miles, county and cultural lines. Granted, the Xcel Center is great venue for concerts and for the Wild to play at, but like Ventura said, the city was laid out by a bunch of drunken Irishmen!

And if my history is correct (which it probably isn't), Somalia was part of Ethiopia, a sovereign nation until the 1920s and Mussolini, so why would they have their own language, instead of whatever Ethiopians speak?
I'm talking about the Somalis (and it is Somalis, my non-racisit friend) to highlight your own intolerance. And isn't it convenient that you like St Paul better, especially when you said in your first post (misspelled of course) that you like Minneapolis? The Twin Cities, sure, but still separated by 10 miles, county and cultural lines. Granted, the Xcel Center is great venue for concerts and for the Wild to play at, but like Ventura said, the city was laid out by a bunch of drunken Irishmen!
You're right, it's Somalis.

And if my history is correct (which it probably isn't), Somalia was part of Ethiopia, a sovereign nation until the 1920s and Mussolini, so why would they have their own language, instead of whatever Ethiopians speak?
History of the area is extremely complex.

In the 7th Century, the Kingdomf of Axum, at this time stretching from modern southern Egypt to northern Kenya to southern Arabia, the Axumites (or howeverthehellyouspellit) gave safe heaven to Muhammed, and, dispite thier taking Axum's southern arabia holdings, they promised not to invade Axum, as they where critical in the survival of the prophet.

They lied, of course. Within a century there where raids in Somalia, by the time of the Mamalukes they had taken Sudan and destroyed the local culture (a battle still being faught in Darfuhr and southern Sudan), and Oman set up permanant colinines in Sudan.

The educated (ie Arabic) classes in Sudan would write in arabic, talk in arabic and rule in Arabic. Thus there is still an arabic speaking minority in Somalia. However, the Arabic influence was permanant, thus Somalian is a distinct language from Ethiopia. It actually was before, there's alot of diversity in the area, from the Amhara-Tigre, the Oromo and numerous other groups, but the influx of Arabic has had a big influence.

They're still members of that branch of the Semetic language, though.

EDIT: They where not part of Ethiopia prior to Italian colonization. They where two independant Sultanates, and Italy did'nt take Ethiopia as the Italians are only good at making cars and clothes.
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
EDIT: They where not part of Ethiopia prior to Italian colonization. They where two independant Sultanates, and Italy did'nt take Ethiopia as the Italians are only good at making cars and clothes.
Huh? Ethiopia wasn't a sultanate, but an empire. Parts of Somalia were indeed under their control. And Italy did conquer Ethiopia in 1936. If you don't believe me, ask the exiled Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie (alias Ras Tafari Makonnen). Oh wait, you can't, because he's long dead. Damn.
Ratty said:
ConstipatedCraprunner said:
EDIT: They where not part of Ethiopia prior to Italian colonization. They where two independant Sultanates, and Italy did'nt take Ethiopia as the Italians are only good at making cars and clothes.
Huh? Ethiopia wasn't a sultanate, but an empire. Parts of Somalia were indeed under their control. And Italy did conquer Ethiopia in 1936. If you don't believe me, ask the exiled Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie (alias Ras Tafari Makonnen). Oh wait, you can't, because he's long dead. Damn.

Yes, Ethiopia is/was/always will be ruled by the Orthodox Amhara, but Somalia was ruled mostly by two Sultanates.

Eritea was taken by Italy, and it is'nt part of Somalia.
Dude, Italy conquered entire Ethiopia, I'm sure of it. I remember the blackshirts marching into Adis Abeba (well, I don't remember, but it did happen, trust me). Of course Eritrea isn't part of Somalia, since Eritrea lies to the north of Ethiopia, and Somalia is to the southeast, duh!

As for the two sultanates, those sultans were a bunch of pussies, so fuck 'em. By the end of 19th century, entire Somalia was divided amongst Italy, Britain, France and Ethiopia, and there wasn't a damn thing those pussy-ass sultans could do about it. :P
Dude, Italy conquered entire Ethiopia, I'm sure of it. I remember the blackshirts marching into Adis Abeba (well, I don't remember, but it did happen, trust me). Of course Eritrea isn't part of Somalia, since Eritrea lies to the north of Ethiopia, and Somalia is to the southeast, duh!
Yeah. They moved in and commited genocide. Awful invasion. But I was talking about before the Black Shirts.

As for the two sultanates, those sultans were a bunch of pussies, so fuck 'em. By the end of 19th century, entire Somalia was divided amongst Italy, Britain, France and Ethiopia, and there wasn't a damn thing those pussy-ass sultans could do about it.
No argument here.