.wmv ?


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
What player or codex do I need ot watch a .wmv format film ?

If I recall right, mediplayer 9.0 does that, so Im DLing it now, but would prefer any other options (9.0 sucks ass.)
Windows Media Player. I've never gotten wmp files to play in Winamp or BSPlayer - there might be a way but I don't thinks it's worth the effort. Media Player Classic will probably run it if you really don't want to use WMP.
Ok, Ill continue the DL of MP9 then.

I managed to find a cool vid. Basicly, this forign vidieo crew in Iraq wanted to get film of the 'heroic' insurgets in Iraq shooting a RPG at US forces.

The guy aim'd the RPG and then gets riddled with bullets from the discreption Ive heard of it.