World of Darkness


First time out of the vault
There's this online game supposedly coming out round 2011, developed by CCP (the famed creators of EVE Online), called World of Darkness. Don't let the title fool you, because its definitely anything but a WoW clone.

Anyway, this MMO is based on the popular series of horror role-playing known collectively as the World of Darkness, originally published by White Wolf, including such gems as Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Promethean: The Created, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, and the as yet unreleased Geist. They take place in what is described as "our world through a looking-glass darkly." It's a gothic, nihilistic version of the modern day, where the skyscrapers are studded with gargoyles and unseen monsters stalk the alleyways. It's a place that's home to such things as blood-sucking corpses, cannibalistic animal/human crossbreeds, demon-worshiping warlocks, and terrible dream-folk who snatch babies from their cradles. And it has a Karma Meter that measures both your sanity and psychopathology at once!

It remains to be seen how much of this will be adapted to the MMO adaption, but fans continue to speculate, and sometimes bash the game even though we have only a couple press releases saying it even exists.
Damn everyone want fallow the steps of blizzard and almost everyone fail, developer just want a game that never end on developing (so they have secure work all the time), produce money as hell (mass players?) and can grow so more money can come in time... This is the objective of most developer on pc platform this days, i can describe it as a nice "cow" if you ask me.
Is this going to be based on OWoD or NWoD? I don't know much about the setting than what I gathered from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, but I can say that the vampires of this setting are the Best. Vampires. Ever. No EMO bullshit, just the masquerade and a lot of awesomeness. I dunno how things go in NWoD, but Bloodlines is cleary OWoD. What's the diference between both OWoD and NWoD? Which one will be the MMO?
I'd be much happier with something similar to NWN simply because it would be more complex and have actual role-playing online. As is, toss it in the MMO bin with the rest of the crap, once it's released I'll probably take a look to see if it's even worth noting.
no use shooting down the idea in advance...

and yes, V:tM-B was a great implementation of that kind of setting. and EVE is really one of the better MMOs out there.

but i don't quite see how you'd implement this into a decent MMO...
Zenoseiya said:
There's this online game supposedly coming out round 2011, developed by CCP (the famed creators of EVE Online), called World of Darkness.
They could save a bundle of money in development if they just stayed true to the title, World of Darkness, and made all of the graphics pure black. That way you would have to worry about lighting, textures, or even 3D models. You'd only have to create collision detection and soundscapes. Just saying that for laughs, although I've heard they make games like that for blind people.
Yeah WoD would be a cool MMORPG. You would go on fetch quests to find magic guns and have a quest where you have to suck 50 humans dry and bring back their fingers.