World of Warcraft thread

Bond Fan

No law ever written is as powerful as Cold Steel
Anybody here played WoW?
I am just getting back into the game, after stopping for two years. I used to be addicted, but then I got addicted to Fallout 3 and New Vegas instead.
What race, class and spec are you? PVP or PVE?
I used to play a Beast Mastery Tauren Hunter. I was pretty shit at everything until I got to level 100, and then I got a bit better.
Gonna start playing again and I'm between an Orc Elemental Shaman, Human Retribution Paladin or a Night Elf Feral Druid.
What about you guys?
I first got in to it when Catacalysm first came out, and then kinda went away for a bit after Warlords of Draenor was finished.

I played all sorts of things from a Worgen Warlock, to a Troll Druid, but I mainly played a Goblin Fire Mage.
The last time I played was about a year ago and while I had a pretty good time it's just one of those games that I can't play unless I've got a lot of free time that I'm not using for anything and I can't just play WoW. I've got to be listening to music or a podcast or just something or else the monotony kills me. I think that's actually why I ended up stopping. I completely ran out of music and podcasts, more interesting games coming out, I started having stuff irl I had to get done and with leveling up and keeping my character geared becoming more and more of a chore I just kinda drifted away from it.
On and off (much more off) from 2005 to 2010. Have tried all the races (up until the second expansion (wholy fuck it has 6 already!)) and classes to some reasonable extent, but never really touched the post 60 lvl stuff all that much. I think my last char was an undead warrior 61 lvl~. At one point in time it was the only game that i really needed for my gaming fix (which was closing on addiction levels) and i generally remember my experience playing it as pleasant. I think my favorite part was just exploring the world, even though the graphics were never all that great, but the whole graphical and sound design of the world was very good.
I played a lot at the end of The Burning Crusade and into WoTLK. Had a great time. Grew sick to my stomach of it. Will likely never touch it or anything like it again.

I mained a NE rogue. I tried warrior, paladin, druid and mage as well, but rogue was by far the most fun both in questing, dungeons and pvp.
The last time I played was about a year ago and while I had a pretty good time it's just one of those games that I can't play unless I've got a lot of free time that I'm not using for anything and I can't just play WoW. I've got to be listening to music or a podcast or just something or else the monotony kills me. I think that's actually why I ended up stopping. I completely ran out of music and podcasts, more interesting games coming out, I started having stuff irl I had to get done and with leveling up and keeping my character geared becoming more and more of a chore I just kinda drifted away from it.
I do the same. I listen to audio-books, usually 40K or Sci-Fi. Other times I listen to a youtuber, like wowcrendor, Preach Gaming or the wildernessoutfitters.