World War 2- From the Russian Front- New Book


Ok, this is perhaps the third new book that looks interesting. Hope some of you find it as well.

Not sure how many of you are interested in personal histories or oral histories of war. I have read a few great oral histories on the Vietnam War, Korean War, World War 1 and 2. So this looks pretty interesting.

This might be very interesting to those of you who are interested in World War 2 history, but also for those fans of Enemy at the Gates.

Ivan's War : Life and Death in the Red Army, 1939-45

From Amazon- review and description-


“Unprecedented in its approach, Catherine Merridale’s research into the lives of Red Army soldiers combined with her perception makes this a most fascinating and important work.”
—Antony Beevor, author of Stalingrad

Book Description

A powerful, groundbreaking narrative of the ordinary Russian soldier’s experience of the worst war in history, based on newly revealed sources
Of the thirty million who fought, eight million died, driven forward in suicidal charges, shattered by German shells and tanks. They were the men and women of the Red Army, a ragtag mass of soldiers who confronted Europe’s most lethal fighting force and by 1945 had defeated it. Sixty years have passed since their epic triumph, but the heart and mind of Ivan—as the ordinary Russian soldier was called—remain a mystery. We know something about how the soldiers died, but nearly nothing about how they lived, how they saw the world, or why they fought.
Drawing on previously closed military and secret police archives, interviews with veterans, and private letters and diaries, Catherine Merridale presents the first comprehensive history of the Red Army rank and file. She follows the soldiers from the shock of the German invasion to their costly triumph in Stalingrad, where life expectancy was often a mere twenty-four hours. Through the soldiers’ eyes, we witness their victorious arrival in Berlin, where their rage and suffering exact an awful toll, and accompany them as they return home full of hope, only to be denied the new life they had been fighting to secure.
A tour de force of original research and a gripping history, Ivan’s War reveals the singular mixture of courage, patriotism, anger, and fear that made it possible for these underfed, badly led troops to defeat the Nazi army. In the process Merridale restores to history the invisible millions who sacrificed the most to win the war.

Ok, and since I saw this on the Economist-

The Soviet army
Blood meridian
Oct 20th 2005
From The Economist print edition

A new history exposes Russia's wartime agony from the bottom up

Ivan's War: The Red Army 1941-1945
By Catherine Merridale

To be published in America by Metropolitan Books in January
Faber and Faber; 374 pages; £20.

WHAT was the second world war like for Russian soldiers? That simple question has a complex answer. Soviet official accounts overlaid the real human, political and military history of the war with a thick layer of gooey, self-congratulatory myth. There are tales of comradeship and heroism aplenty, but little that tells a modern-day reader what the greatest war in history was really like.

Catherine Merridale, a British historian, has picked the locks that kept this history hidden. Through hard work with official archives, diaries, letters and hard-won interviews with veterans, she brings to life the soldiers' war: the chaos and panic of the retreat before the German onslaught, when up to 3m Soviet troops were taken prisoner; the brutal punishment of deserters and their families; the early days of the war when shortages of equipment, clothing and munitions were matched by relentless sloganeering and political meddling; the epic drunkenness and black marketeering; and the orgies of destruction and cruelty on both sides.

Obtaining first-hand accounts of all this required skill and perseverance. The “Great Patriotic War”, as Russians still call it, has such a sacred place in the national mindset that any questioning, particularly by a young foreign woman, would have struck many people as indecent.

The result is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the history of the time, or modern Russia's dependence on it. Ms Merridale's earlier book, “Night of Stone” (2000), was a definitive account of the Russian attitude to the death and suffering that drench its history. Now her feel for human nature and her excellent knowledge of Russian language and culture, combined with her research among Russian (and German) sources, have produced a worthy sequel.

Whereas other historians have focused recently on the salacious details of life at the top of Stalin's Soviet Union, Ms Merridale's approach is from the bottom up, coupled with her own careful but incisive analysis. She illuminates one of the great puzzles: what Russians really thought of Stalin. Even under the Terror, his personality and Soviet patriotism fused to inspire not just fear, but respect as well as a kind of love. People survived, she writes, by “evolving to fit the framework of a monstrous state. It was far easier, even the doubters found, to join the collective and share the dream than to remain alone, condemned to isolation and the threat of death.” When the war started, Stalin retreated from public view. One soldier quoted in the book, Ivan Gorin, laughed when asked if soldiers really yelled in unison “For the motherland, for Stalin” (as the official myth says) before going into battle. “I'm sure we shouted something when we went to the guns. But I don't think it was that polite.”

Ms Merridale highlights the increasingly savage response of the authorities when defeat loomed after Hitler's surprise attack. The state's answer, she writes, “was to prepare a war against its own people. If they would not behave like epic heroes of their own accord, then NKVD guns would force them to.”

Eventually, that changed. Political commissars were reined in, and professionalism returned. In a telling passage, Ms Merridale describes the return in 1942 of proper training and military ethos to the army. Drill replaced “comic-strip heroics”, she writes. “There would be no more suicidal leaping on to the barricades, no more distracting competitions to see which unit could march fastest or form into the straightest line.” The authorities brought back medals, and even officers' epaulettes—which before the war had been a hated symbol of tsarist privilege. Some soldiers hoped, vainly, that the next step might be the abolition of collective farms.

For all her efforts, some details of life in the Red Army are as unremembered now as they were unrecorded then. Nobody wrote down the unofficial songs, the jokes or the slang, and veterans find it hard to disinter them from memories overlaid with decades of official pomp and invention. Ms Merridale has a bit more luck in plumbing the darker depths—the rapes, destruction and looting that the Red Army meted out, first on the countries seen as having collaborated with Hitler's Reich, and then on Germany itself. “Rape combined the desire to avenge with the impulse to destroy, to smash German luxuries and waste the fascists' wealth. It punished women and reinforced the fragile manliness of the perpetrators.”

The blandness of many soldiers' memories, though they were vivid raconteurs when they talked of life outside the war, seemed puzzling. Ms Merridale came to see it as a secret of their resilience. “The path to survival lay in stoical acceptance.” Sadly, that stayed true for some time. As she notes, “The motherland was never conquered, but it had enslaved itself.”

Ivan's War: The Red Army 1941-1945.
By Catherine Merridale.
Faber and Faber; 374 pages; £20.
To be published in America by Metropolitan Books in January

You can order it through amazon, but I don't think it's on the shelves in the US quite yet.
Looks cool. It would be good to see a more objective view of what really happened on the east front, though I will probably never get to read the compleatly objective story of WW2.
History is never objective, but only told from a point of view. Furthermore, because history is never complete it's never 20/20. Thus its always subjective and biased.

That's why history exists as a dialogue- different views of history reinterpret history. But the nice thing is that history should be tested against a notion of truth.

That raises the issue of what is the truth.
I share a very close opinion of History Welsh, although I also believe it has an important role as a memorial for those who have sacrificed all through out it. Perhaps thats one of the "Truths" I compare it against. (I'm Russian, I can find noble sacrifice in anything, including dying drunk and starving in a semi frozen mudpuddle on the side of the road)

I also read Merridale’s first book "Death and Memory" a while ago and was impressed with the fairly soild grasp she had with the attitudes of the Russian and Soviet people concerning sacrifice and death.

Havn't seen this book anywhere though, but I might give it a look if I do.
To be honest, I wonder if her first book was set up for this one.

A non-Russian female doing serious oral history with Russian vets from the Great Patriot War, might be a bit too much. At least not until she's gained some credibility. So I wonder if that first book was perhaps done with this book in mind.

Personally, more oral histories is a good thing and an oral history of the war on the Russian front is a great idea. I have read, at least parts of, "The Forgotten Soldier" -

On the German side, so this would be interesting.