Worldmap Modification


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Does anyone know if it's possible to expand the size of the world map itself? I haven't been able to find anything about that anywhere, so I assume it's not possible... but... I figured I'd ask!
You know the Original Fallout 2 Worldmap is 1400x1500, or 4x5 'WRLDMP##' FRMs, each 350x300 pixels.

A Worldmap that would include Fallout 1 locations, based upon Lexx's design, is 2100x3000, or 6x10 FRMs. (Megamod presently uses a map that is 7x9.)

Modifying an actual satellite image of California/Nevada (maybe the same one Lexx found?) I was able to get all the Fallout 2 locations to line up nearly perfectly. (Sorry these are half size and blurry)


As he and others have pointed out, Fallout 1 uses an entirely different scale than Fallout 2. To figure out where these locations should be, I enlarged part of a California map until a transparent diagram of the F1 locations would match when superimposed over it. (~ 300%)


If we use the F2 locations for Military Base, Vault 13, Vault 15, and NCR/Shady Sands, then the F1 locations will match up almost exactly on the same grid and scale.


Note the terrain of the road map for verification, and also compare the terrain of the original Fallout 1 map. (Whoever wrote in the canon that Necropolis is what was left of Bakersfield was obviously mistaken. It's Barstow.)

Anyway, I lack the skills to paint in all the cities and details like Lexx did, so I won't go any further with it. But if you want the original full sized image (with no grid lines or cities) then PM or email me.

A Worldmap that would include Fallout 1 locations, based upon Lexx's design, is 2100x3000, or 6x10 FRMs. (Megamod presently uses a map that is 7x9.)

Where to download this map?
Yeah, I might be interested too.
The .msk files are also done?
Did you made the city circle with PS or did you made it with the game?
I would be reeealy interested if that were with the game...
Morticia said:
A Worldmap that would include Fallout 1 locations, based upon Lexx's design, is 2100x3000, or 6x10 FRMs. (Megamod presently uses a map that is 7x9.)

Modifying an actual satellite image of California/Nevada (maybe the same one Lexx found?) I was able to get all the Fallout 2 locations to line up nearly perfectly. (Sorry these are half size and blurry)

To note: The Fallout 2 locations of my map are placed wrong. When I made it, I thought it would be better this way, but now I feel different... well, I am already thinking since a week or more to pick it up again and adjust the towns/ place them more correctly. I could make them fit 95% with Fallout 1 and 2, but the Fallout 2 locations Frisco, Mariposa Base, NCR and so on would be one sector more up to fit well with my map. That means: One could use my map in Fallout 2 but would need to move every town in the south one sectore to the north. Then it would fit well.
(Edit: Yes, I used a very similar map for this. But just as a template. I needed to recreate everything- the coast, the mountains, etc.)

But my map is also still not 100% perfect. It was hard to make the north- you can not really see it on the screen, but the north still needs some work because it looks a bit blank there. But well, my psd file was already approx 300mb big... Working with this is a pain in the arse on my computer.

/Edit: But I LOVE Frisco now. It looks so damn cool with my map...


(The screen is an older one.. so it changed a bit already)
I wish it was in game! The F1 locations were made by converting this map to 16 colors and removing everything but the light green. I redrew the circles and it becomes a transparent image that can be pasted over another.

The map in the 2 pics above was never finished, so it's just one huge image. No FRMs or MSKs. I liked Lexx's idea of making it 6x10 and tried to do a better job than the first one I attempted. It still doesn't have enough detail at game resolution and I don't know how to add more. Adding cities and airbrushing just made it look worse.

San Francisco looks awesome, Lexx. I remember you saying in that thread that you had changed some locations. I didn't understand why you would need to do that though, so I played with enlarging/reducing and rotating until it would match up with existing locations - except that line between Military Base and Vault 15. The only reason is so it could be used with existing mods by just replacing FRMs, MSKs, worldmap.txt and intrface.lst

Somehow I get the feeling that your wonerful map is going to appear in another huge project before any of the rest of us will get to play it. :)
I didn't understand why you would need to do that though

Yes, that's the point. When I made the map, I thought that it can not fit. This is because first I thought that the Fallout 2 map is more zoomed out than the Fallout 1 map, but later I realised that I was wrong. Well, then it was already to late. :lol: But I think I can fix it easy but I need time for it and I don't have the time at the moment.

To the Fallout 1 map you posted: A while ago I created a Fallout 1 map without the green circles. So if anybody needs the map for Fallout 2 or so, it is there and can be used. Jordan is using it in his Fallout 1 to Fallout 2 port. But I still couldn't make the msk files.. :/