WOTA mod wasn't dead


Carbon Dated and Proud
This is long overdue, Morgan from the Warriors of the Apocalypse mod emailed me that the mod wasn't dead afterall. Here's what he said:<blockquote>We had some server difficulties, and the occasional "real life" issues, but we've finally got it together again. We've lost a lot of skinners, so we need a few more of those to keep this going. Its basically just me and Alec now, we're all alone in the world, but still getting stuff accomplished somehow :P We could also use a coder with very good C++ skills, ours seems to be M.I.A. and we only know how to modify existing code enough to import weapons.

We should have some in-game shots as well as renders of our first skinned and animated weapon on the site within the hour. Check our
site, http://www.wotamod.com</blockquote>So remember to look at for these guys too.