WoW Servers


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Ok, I was trying to get some of the Orderites to list the servers they play on so we could maybe all get on the same one, but they're all "gay" and haven't replied. So anyone who plays put up your server and character names. May be pointless as most of ya probably have high lvl chars already and have no intentions of starting new ones of different server, but whatever! Just do it!

Server- Laughing Skull
Char- Mohrg(32 UD Priest)

Mohrg :twisted:
Crushridge server, Kelmurdoch: 46 gnome warlock

And you never sent me a message Mohrg! :puppy-dog:
I have alliance on Crushridge and horde on Daggerspine. Highest is a 54 Undead Rogue. I've canceled my account though, which will go into effect on July 4th.
After a hiatus from WoW (3 months of the same shit began to bore me), I'm playing again.

Volkov, lvl44 human warrior on Proudmoore.
World of Warcraft in 20 seconds

wow in 20 seconds


canceled subsription with 5 days left of free trial. As I leveled up past the beginner areas, I noticed some unfinished areas and poor design which turned me off completely. Anyway so much for WoW. Lovely art though. Majestic or whatever :)