Wow, you're all at each others throats.

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This is kind of reminding me of the Mechwarrior 4 Forums after the game was being developed and some new ideas came out. Some people calling themselves purists didn't like what was happening to the series they liked while the other side who liked the game ended up defending the devteam and the ideas they liked. It got pretty bad, liking the game automatically made you apart of the group dubbed "MW4 Lovers", both sides got pretty whacked out at each other.

Lets look at the arguments here:
"CTB sucks, its ruined the game!"
Thats why they included turn based mode, and those who say its flawed, the dev team has repeatedly said that it will be fixed. You do not have to play the game in CTB mode of you don't want to. I happen to like the CTB mode, probably because I didn't try to finish the game as fast as possible, running into rooms guns blazing, I tried playing it slow and methodical, I got through with no one killed, employed tactics, and had a terrific time! I didn't just use strom I used everyone, making ambushed, decoys, setting boobytraps, trying to finish the game as fast as possible is not the way to have fun, you cut corners and feel like you missed out on something, and its easy to blame that on the game.

"It doesn't have the atmosphere of fallout"
As of right now, this is true, however the game isn't out yet, the full version will probably be chock full of atmosphere. :)
As in MW4 they released a early test for people to try and it was okay, when the full game was released it had double the textures and looked even better. The MW4 example is just to show that a demo released before the game doesnot mean the game will look exactly like it.

In my opinion both sides here are being very narrowminded, you both refuse to even consider the other side of things. Some of you will protest this statement but it is nonetheless true. I personally like the CTB system, it is not completely real time, I can't fire whenever I want, it is alot slower, for those of you who rushed through the CTB you missed alot of fun. I played Fallout 1 and 2 and enjoyed both of them so not all of us who like this system are quakers or twitch junkies.

I don't know how to conclude this really, it feels like I will get flamed no matter what I say. Just try listening to each others opinions and realize that others will have a different opnion than your own and no matter what you think or say, both opnions will be right.
Ever hear of something called 'feedback'? (nt)

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!

"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!

Of course you will be flamed no matter what you say, this is the internet!