X-men 3 trailer

You just have to install quicktime. It's a simple next->next->next thing. I can't imagine what took you so long.
I hate comic book "movies".

Georges Melies would be ashamed of you.
I had some codec pack (k-lite) installed and it was conflicting with the quicktime I had installed. Anyways thats not important.

Looks like this movie will be the best of the three. Singer made the first two movies too soft.
Chronicles of Narnia looks like Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings, i.e nerd meets nerder. I enjoyed watching the series as a kid, and I don't remember them being that epic. I'll probably be disappointed.
My favorite scene of all the Xmen movies (all 2 so far) is the "Cage Fighter Wolverine gets kicked in the balls, and goes apeshit" scene in the first one.

That whole intro. was just a flawless way to open an Xmen movie, then it all went downhill from there.
Jebus said:
Hehe, Malky is back.

No, actually, I'm not. I'm still banned from NMA, and yet I can post if I log out.

At least I think I can. Let's consider this a test.