X-Play Fallout 3 "Special" Oct. 14th 8:30pm


First time out of the vault
So, seeing as this is probably one of the last biggest previews of F3 before the game hits shelves, I really hope they throw a bone and give us some new footage like they did with the littlebigplanet special, then again, I can't really see that. :roll:
1 week reminder Xplay on station g4tv 30 minute show dedicated to Fallout 3. Though after seeing tonight Fable 2's 30 minute show from Xplay it just looked like regurgitated videos and a combat walk through from the creator of the game, and i haven't even been following Fable 2 at all and I still have seen the videos that they showed. So i wouldn't expect any new content to come from this.
Bump, it is today at 730 central, though last weeks "Fable 2" special was at 7 central. You've been warned.
Unsurprisingly, they talked a lot about the combat, and there was really nothing new. It was mentioned that they were debuting a new city that had been built out of an aircraft carrier, or something, but it didn't really go beyond showing a few images of it.

They did go into Bethesda's history, as a developer, bringing up early Elder Scrolls games and the Terminator-licensed games. I'm pretty sure they didn't really go into the history of Fallout.

Yeah, it was more of a commercial than an informative preview.
It was a 30 minute advertisement with about 10 seconds of new footage from Rivet, lots of people walking around looking like Katrina refuges.

No new info for people like us. But I want to open peoples eyes about the Fallout universe, and for people who have no clue about the game, I think it showed a lot of good stuff for them.

This must have been recorded at least a week ago, since the female host, Morgan Webb, is in Japan. So no clue if this was before or after leak.
I have to admit it but thier whole specials are pretty worthles now. Fable2's was pretty much an interview with nearly nothing about the game. Now,FO3 gets pretty much the same.

And, yeah, thier big hype about Rivet City was a joke. 10seconds of an outside pan... OOOOO.... Big excitement there...

Besides, we know they will give it a 5 out of 5, so its info is pretty bunk anyway.