xp error, so unable to enter Sierra Army Depot

Gia Thai

First time out of the vault
after I recieved the location of SAD from the Wrights, my party of 6 (Anton, Sulik Vic Cassidy Marcus Myron) drove there. the loading sign appear then nothing. Black screen. Press Ctr-alt_Del will show another error fallout.exe. Reload another saves from long time ago (six month in games time) but still no dice. Frustrating...

Other areas appear to play normally. I just cant seem to enter SAD.

I play ver1.02, progress as usual: klamath--den--modoc--vaultcity then doing quests in New Reno/BrokenHills/NCR at the same time.

Anyone know why?...
Your map file for SAD must have gotten corrupted somehow, that's my guess. Try to reinstall.
I had the same problem, only with Gecko being off-limits. I was using killaps patch, so asked about it in the modding forum, but I was able to get it working by porting the save to an old Win98 machine. I'd imagine a reinstall is the only option open unless you can get hold of an older OS.
Thanks for your suggestion

And I have just reinstall too... huuuuu :cry: :cry:

EDIT: dont want to post in new topics... It seems the evil caravan mistress (you know, the one you cant trade with if your Karma is good) got all the drugs or chemicals you want: Mentats, buffout, psycho... You just wander around the area and encounter her, then steal her blind (or shoot her dead if you prefer, I DON'T). All the chems you gonna need. Definitely Better than the elusive rave party encounter.