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What WOULD be great in FO3 is a complete absence of vertibirds.


zero-x's bitter words after his encounter with roshambo:

"I agree with you but there comes a fuckin point i dont know who roquirbo thinks he is but I at least you didnt really criticize me and i appreciate that i hate people who fuck with my ideas when i didnt say shit to em and yes he is the kind of guy i would take a scalpel tear his head open the take an hammer use the end to samsh through the medulla and use the nail pull as a pry to pull back the top of the skull revealing a brain (small but brain nontheless)and take desert eagle magnum and blow it through his fucking spine as he still breath and then rip out his heart and show him how black it is before he dies but as you said thats illegal well cya"
What would be realy good in F3 would be....uhm....just a suggestion here, that it would be more like F1 and not like F2.


Nunc ut nunquam
>>While we're at it, lets add a luxury cruise ship and a Learjet.<<

Remember the poster who wanted to add an SR-71? I thought I would die laughing :-D.

True Raven
The Annunaki FanFic and Theory Guild
>>>While we're at it, lets add a luxury cruise ship and a Learjet.<<
>Remember the poster who wanted to
>add an SR-71? I thought
>I would die laughing :-D.

Yeah, that was a good one... and the fact that he defended that idea too!


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Actually it should be better than both, as long as it isn't like Tactics
No, Tell Me!

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-01 AT 00:56AM (GMT)[p]>While we're at it, lets add
>a luxury cruise ship and
>a Learjet.

Don't forget the Space Shuttle. Oh, and how about a B-52 Bomber so you can bomb enemies into submission?
I think that a interesting thing to do would be mount weapons on vehicles so use can use it as an assault vehicle to send into combat. I thought that the car just sitting there doing nothing in FO2 was a bit stupid. I always thought that you could add a little of Interstate '76 into it.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-01 AT 08:48AM (GMT)[p]A friend of mine had a really interesting theory on surplus energy discharges in parallel dimensions. He said that was manifested in our dimesion as stuff that seems to come from nowhere and is very annoying, like CopuServe-CD's and this kind of stuff.
Eek, not a vertibird, where the hell would he learn how to use it?

hmmm... integrating vehicles would be very difficult, since most of the PCs time is spent walking. but maybe one can integrate a different combat situation that would require running the hell away, or using a vehicle to run the bad guys over(bad idea to hit power armor, air bag anyone?) but then we would lose the entire role playing feel to the game, so i agree it would really suck
Oh dear God. If anyone mentions "Fallout: Flight Simulator" I'm gonna pop.
RIDING in a vertibird is fairly acceptable (as long as it has something to do with the Enclave).
ummmm im sorry but without an enclave boy giving instructions there is no way on gods green earth a vertibird would be useful , well maybe for target practise :P
I think it would be interesting if you could get some kind of aerial transport for yourself and of course a car incase you need to go over mountains or water.... (course there could also be some ships that are pains in the ass to get going for those whom could not locate the aerial transport....) to me just having an in game whirlybird is cool... (then you can really pick your encounters... Uhoh WATCHOUT FOR THAT ROCKET LAUNCHER PATROL!!!!!! **KAAHHBOOOM**) ;-)