Y'all ready for Fallout 3: Remastered?

I wonder how they will remaster it...
Oh they'll probably just throw in some godrays, gloss effects on a bunch of things, port it over sloppily to the new engine with certain effects and shit then cram in the modding capability for consoles.
TBH, I don't if it's going to look better or worse, if they actually remaster the "new engine" graphics. Because honestly the one that they've presented to us now with a certain space game, it looks flipping ugly!

Hopefully, it's all just BS. They won't fix the many, many issues both Oblivion and FO3 have if they just "remaster" them. They'll probably make them look worse, somehow, too.

IF Bethesda isn't fucked over (especially now with all the Xbox BS going on) it may be good. Hell maybe they scrapped all the companies for this or TES which is fucked but the state of gaming as is now I don't think it really needs one. we have the BC on Xbox & steam.
Either way if the leaks are true i hope they do it right and not a rush job like the GTA remasters.