Yay Microsoft!

Shadowbird said:
I want to work for Microsoft.

Don't do it. They will steal your soul!

And hey, parents should moniter what their spotty little sprog is writing in 1337. Yeah. All the time. :roll:
1337.... Damn its like that language that scientist invented, I think they called it Espirenzo... Is that how its spelled?

Esperanto, man, Esperanto :D

It was invented by linguists, supposedly to make a common language in which every European would be able to understand one another, the language itself made up from scraps and home-made grammar from other languages. Useless.
Carib FMJ said:
1337.... Damn its like that language that scientist invented, I think they called it Espirenzo... Is that how its spelled?

I think it's called esperanto, and I believe Shatner starred in the only esperanto spoken movie ever. That Shatner and his crazy shenanigans.


Damn. Wooz beat me, but he left out that bit of extremely useful info about Shatner.
Silly Bill and his screwy ideas.

Was a truly funny read though.

Oh, and make sure when you get to the bottom of the page, where it says "Was this information useful?" you click the NO button.