Yet another Fallout project

Last Bastion of Hope! The LAST Bastion of Hope! It's also just the title of the page too.

I gather this forum will replace the comments soon enough?
DarkUnderlord said:
Last Bastion of Hope! The LAST Bastion of Hope! It's also just the title of the page too.

I gather this forum will replace the comments soon enough?
Sorry, my bad...

And yes, it's almost in place... you guys need hosting ?
Odin said:
And yes, it's almost in place... you guys need hosting ?
Nope. We're being hosted by KCP. It's working out okay for now.

Spazmp said:
DU, stop complaining and get back to work!
God-damned ungrateful bastards... *grumble* *grumble*
axelgreese said:
DarkUnderlord said:
Nope. We're being hosted by KCP. It's working out okay for now.

You do relise that you can be judged by those that you associate with.

Who wouldn't want to be associated with the 1337 KFCK'ers/????
- It's free (for me).
- Has no ads. No pop-ups, no banners, no nothing.
- We don't have to associate with the KCP people. Well... Except the one or two who were already on the project before the whole thing started.
- Project is given little attention, meaning we can get on with it and shrivel up and die without anybody noticing.
- Free abuse from everyone.
- I like pie.

- Some people don't like pie as much as I do.

We actually had hoped to get the address setup correctly so that no-one would ever suspect a thing. That didn't quite work-out as planned though. :|
Your site doesn`t work with Opera, maybe you get get their free code and tips so i could check you guys without having to swap browsers all the time?
Yeah Saint said that. We changed it so that it would (should) at least show you the text with the latest version of Opera... How's it looking on Opera now?
Nope, it won`t work with Opera 7.03 0r 7.10 beta3. And it crashed them both this time :(

Bah i still have IE so no problem for me, but for others that will want to check it in the future it will be a pain not beeing able to do it because of the browser. Oh well :(
Killzig said:
your server is slow.
The address has died. Try going direct to

Don't worry, even though KCP is in the url, it bypasses them completely (for those who care)!

MidSizedJesusMordino said: Fallout...back when I was here, that was a dream.
It still is a dream and will continue to be so until we start physically making the ideas into reality. An idea is worthless if you can't actually put it in the game and at the moment, ideas is all we have. Well, that and a working prototype for our World Map.