Yet Another S.T.A.L.K.E.R Interview

Pope Viper

This ghoul has seen it all
Oles Shyshkovtsov, Lead Programmer for S.T.A.L.K.E.R talks to, about various things: why they changed S.T.A.L.K.E.R.’s subtitle from “Oblivion Lost” to “Shadow of Chernobyl”, as well as what might be done with the engine in terms of licensing.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Interview

Also a couple of new screenies:

<blockquote><center> </center></blockquote>

Thanks to Kotario

Edit: Uploaded the pictures to our gallery and replaced them with thumbnails. -Kotario
Nice eye candy, but that doesn't say much about the game itself.
The pics are way too big, please put some small versions so it won`t slow things and give a heart attack to the dial up crowd.

Edit: Ok thanks
Yeah, the AK looks fairly clean... But what's really annoying me about that picture is it is WRONG. There are no left-hand versions of the AK, damnit. I hate it when games do this (Counter-Strike). You can't just fudge it and reverse the model, damn it. Gah. *cries*

The only reason why this bugs me really is that they seem to be touting the realism of the weapons in the game.
colt- it's not left-handed, the right hand's not in the shot, but it's on the trigger- the left hand's on the trigger for the underslung grenade launcher they put on it
Hmpf. No crosshairs again. Why do all recent games drop neural interfaces in favor of realism? :: weeps ::
I still can't believe the amount of interviews and screenshots being released... it's a no stop hype campaign. Which is both good and bad.

Good because we get to be reminded that the game will eventually come out. Bad because instead of working on the game and getting it finished they keep releasing old news, old screens, and it's all been old hat for six months or more.

Just finish the damned game and let us judge how awesome you and the game are then. But if I hear(read) of one more feature cut I will give up all hope of this game remaining true to it's original over-the-top hyped beyond belief feature list.