So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

In the quest You Can Depend on Me, I always found it odd how Alice McLafferty was interested in the gun runner plans.
After all, she runs a caravan company, which probably mainly trades in things other people have made. I'm unsure if it's ever even hinted at that Crimson Caravan creates weapons or anything else themselves.
But here's the thing: What if the plans weren't for Crimson Caravan, what if they were for the Van Graffs?
We know the Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan had an alliance from Heartaches By The Number. What if the gun runner plans were actually CC's end of the bargain?
After all, she runs a caravan company, which probably mainly trades in things other people have made. I'm unsure if it's ever even hinted at that Crimson Caravan creates weapons or anything else themselves.
But here's the thing: What if the plans weren't for Crimson Caravan, what if they were for the Van Graffs?
We know the Van Graffs and Crimson Caravan had an alliance from Heartaches By The Number. What if the gun runner plans were actually CC's end of the bargain?