You have died....

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Just a small suggestion. When ever you die in fallout 1 or 2 it shows the same picture like in fallout 2 it shows your skelton on a cactus... what i would like is some diffrent pictures according to your place of death and also like the end sequence where it says stuff revelant to your game. mabey?.
have you ever noticed the one on FO1 which says something like "not even the raiders stop to look at your radiated corpse" i laughed at the fact that i was carrying a gatling laser and some hardened power armour no less!

nice idea but not essiential
P'raps (Olde English, not bastardized modern english) a death animation similar to that of Baldur's Gate be implemented because the effects were rather decent instead of a mere frame.

"Credo Ut Intelligam"- I believe so that I may understand.
>have you ever noticed the one
>on FO1 which says something
>like "not even the raiders
>stop to look at your
>radiated corpse" i laughed at
>the fact that i was
>carrying a gatling laser and
>some hardened power armour no
>nice idea but not essiential

um dude it doesn't say raider it is carrion eaters
All it needs is better death animations. Instead of dying, your character needs to have a very elaborate death like Frank Horrigan and the Master. Actually, it should be better than theirs because as we have seen in Fallout 1 and 2, who's the greater person? WE ARE!