Your current Fallout Playthough


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Ok, Today I started up Fallout for the first time In a long time, I don't remember much of Fallout, and to be honest, I don't remember if I ever beat it. So I decided to actually beat it and figured since I didn't remember much of Fallout, it would be almost a fresh Start.

Julia Glau - Age 16, Female

ST - 5
PE - 5
EN - 4
CH - 7
IN - 7
AG - 6
LK - 7

Small Frame

Tagged Speech, Small Guns, Energy Weapons

Made it though the rat cave (better then the first time I played, where my guy was killed by rats) and found Shady Sands.
In my current Fallout playthrough (logged off it about 10 minutes ago), I am helping the Adytum-ers get rid of the Regulators.

I hope that is what you wanted, i'm kinda confused.
That is exactly what I was looking for, to tell folks where you are at with your current Fallout (1) play, and if you want, what type of character you are playing.
Well I tagged: Small Guns, Speech, and Outdoorsman (not because of it's usefulness, because i'm paranoid that i'll bump into something horrible at level 3 or something). Can't remember my SPECIAL. I have generally went the good karmaic way for most of the quests.
Well I have started FO2 with killaps restoration and made a unarmed character
Here are the stats
ST 5
PE 5
EN 9
CH 2
IN 9
AG 9
LK 7
Traits:One hander,Gifted
Tagg skills:Unarmed,Sneak,Lockpick
My best character so far,I used a tutorial on how to make the unarmed character and it's really paying off and it's very deadly,almost every hit I land is either a critical or a blind
I'm not very sure about the STATS I forgot most of them cuz I 2 diferent PC that I play on