RE: Civilized?
>Most of the proponents of FO3
>being a prequel hold that
>particular opinion due to the
>fact that they don't want
>another "jump" in the atmosphere
>of the game.
I would want the same atmosphere, but I don't want "same old", which will inevitably happen. Yes, I admit that I'm still playing Fallout 1, but I don't want Fallout 3 to be following every step of Fallout - like looking for anscient artifact with time limit, then saving the world.
>1. The development of a monetary
>system and some of the
>other little things people have
>been complaining about can be
>attributed to the logical progression
>of society.
Continue: "Then again, ghouls are not very logical element - people don't just mutate. And mutant species are quite impossible because they are not fertile. And what are such bulky and ineffective electronics doing in 22nd century?" Fallout 1 was logical only when it was fun and fit into the atmosphere. I don't want "logical progression", because...
>Just because they've
>made a little progress in
>rebuilding society doesn't mean that
>FO3 will be full of
>flying cars, or palmtop computers,
>or anything of the sort.
...because it's implying what you just told. And that's not "little progress" - Shi have supercomputers, we already seen helicopters, and Vault City itself is an abomination that has nothing to do with Fallout 1 atmosphere.
>2. A lot of the advancement
>that took place between FO1
>and FO2 was due to
>the re-integration of Brotherhood technology
>into the wastes. Since there
>are no other (discovered) technological
>storehouses of that caliber, it
>stands to reason that technological
>development in the wastes between
>FO2 and 3 will not
>be quite as... rapid.
First of all, you are wrong about big part Brotherhood played in re-integration. Look at San Francisco - nobody heard about Brotherhood technology there. Vault City - well, you heard about it already. NCR looks like too much like a modern city. I'm already unsatisfied with the level of development in Fallout 2, and I don't want to go up or down because it will only make situation worse.
I'm trying to write a fanfic on how it could look, but no promises. Also, I'm open to hear anybody who can persuade me that I am wrong.
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