Your opinion:


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I don't know if someone already proposed what I did, and how many times, so please don't beat the crap out of me:

1) Would you want Fallout 3 to be set before Fallout 1? If yes, then what do you think is the good date? And why?

2) Who thinks Fallout 3 to be set on East Coast or other part of America (except California)?

3) What do you think is the best atmosphere for Fallout 3? The one similar to Fallout 1, Fallout 2, or something different? Describe it.

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-01 AT 02:31AM (GMT)[p]>>1) Would you want Fallout 3 to be set before Fallout 1? If yes, then what do you think is the good date? And why?<<

No, I like the way the game series is flowing now. Maybe have it 20 or 30 years down the road, instead of 80 or 90. I don't think the Wasteland of California had come far enough along after the War to put the setting of Fallout 3 before the first game. I'm going to assume that most area's of the country (world?) were probably in the same shape as California so the only logical step for the series to take would be forward instead of backwards in time.

>>2) Who thinks Fallout 3 to be set on East Coast or other part of America (except California)?<<

I'd like to see a different setting but that may compromise the cast of charectors a bit. How long would it take for mutants and ghouls to make it across to the East Coast (assuming that the East Coast didn't have it's own Master and FEV problems to deal with)? But then again, what kind of creatures would we find there instead? Mutated Wolverines from post nuclear Michigan anyone?

>>3) What do you think is the best atmosphere for Fallout 3? The one similar to Fallout 1, Fallout 2, or something different? Describe it.<<

Fallout 1 without a doubt. The atmosphere in that game was one of the best I've ever felt in a game. It is very difficult for me to discribe it accurately but the closest I can come to it is dark and urgent. If BIS could make a Fallout 3 with Fallout 1's atmosphere and Fallout 2's immense world then we would have one hell of a Fallout 3.

-True Raven
1. I think about 20 years after the first Fallout would be good. I just think civilization was getting a little to advanced in some areas of Fallout 2 for me.(The NCR, especially) I prefer to mantain the survivalist atmosphere of the original Fallout.

2. I think setting it in the heartland of where conservative surburbia used to be would add a great feel to the game. The Ohio-Indiana-Illinois area would be good. Remember that conservative suburbians nucluear war paranoia was a great source of inspiration for Fallout. (I think.)

3. Fallout 1 definitely had better atmosphere. I think that Fallout 2, besides the blatant pop culture references, had better dialog options and was bigger, but that was about it. Just combine those two elements with Fallout 1 and you have perfection.
>I don't know if someone already
>proposed what I did, and
>how many times, so please
>don't beat the crap out
>of me:
>1) Would you want Fallout 3
>to be set before Fallout
>1? If yes, then what
>do you think is the
>good date? And why?
I think FO3 should be set at about the same time as FO1.

>2) Who thinks Fallout 3 to
>be set on East Coast
>or other part of America
>(except California)?
Yeah, the east cost. Definitely somewhere else than California though.

>3) What do you think is
>the best atmosphere for Fallout
>3? The one similar to
>Fallout 1, Fallout 2, or
>something different? Describe it.
The atmosphere from FO1, but with less guns, more primitive weapons, and no FEV.


>[img align=center" src="//]
This sounds a lot like a teacher's essay questions:

>1) Would you want Fallout 3
>to be set before Fallout
>1? If yes, then what
>do you think is the
>good date? And why?

No opinion on this. It could work..

>2) Who thinks Fallout 3 to
>be set on East Coast
>or other part of America
>(except California)?

I kind of like the western feel to Northern California. The Eastern Coast wouldn't have that feel..

>3) What do you think is
>the best atmosphere for Fallout
>3? The one similar to
>Fallout 1, Fallout 2, or
>something different? Describe it.

I like desperation, but also seeing people making a life for themselves after the "bomb." Probably between Fallout 1 and 2.


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>>1) Would you want Fallout 3 to be set before Fallout 1? If yes, then what do you think is the good date? And why?

No, 20 or 30 years after FO2 is a good idea i believe... So, FO2 universe is not to change and not too civilised.

>>2) Who thinks Fallout 3 to be set on East Coast or other part of America (except California)?

It could be fun to have entire FO1 and FO2 maps in one plus others lands (Las Vegas or else for example), so we could see how Hub, L.A. and all towns in FO1 evolved. And in the FO2 map, the city which was created by our character in FO2

>>3) What do you think is the best atmosphere for Fallout 3? The one similar to Fallout 1, Fallout 2, or something different? Describe it.

I believe that the difference between FO & FO2 atmosphere stand in that in FO you're a "vault-tek's son".... You know, you go out a vault, et cetera... In FO2 you're a tribal and people watch you differently. The two atmosphere are cool. In FO2 you see that some people dont survive but live, and power, money and all that came to live as before the war. In FO it was survive the most important thing... In FO3, it would be cool (thanks to the big map i advice) that some lands are re-civilised (NCR, New Reno (if i can say New Reno is civilize again :) and other lands which could always ba in shit and wastes and all that stuffs FO had.
All right...'s some explanation to why I proposed the follosing options:

1) Fallout 3 set before Fallout 1

Because I'm TIRED seeing the mentality of Fallout world population moving further away from "post-nuclear war syndrome". There are already helicopters, cars, electronics, mutations stable enough to give birth to whole new races, monetary system for god' sake! And by setting time of action earlier than Fallout 1 we would theoretically have people thinking more about how to deal with the aftermath. In short, more "post-nuclearity".

2) Why East Coast (or other region of America)

East Coast have about the same size of urban population and cities. BUT I'm not saying that it HAS to be E.C. - Texas or some other state would do fine. Just bear in mind that there should be enough devastated cities and ex-urban population. They would struggle to survive in suddenly hostile world they knew virtually nothing about, and that IMHO would be better for the atmosphere.

3) You know what? I think we should agree that if we are going to make the 100% SAME feeling as in Fallout 1, the game would have to look the same. And where's the fun in that? Seeing the same stuff, only on niftier graphics engine? I propose the mix between Fallout 1 and some really disturbing atmosphere. Very roughly, a mix betw. "Saving private Ryan" and "Mad Max 1".

BIS and Interplay just CAN'T make the wonder with what they have. Let them just make something from scratch and come up with a logical prequel to Fallout 1. Something that will answer some of the questions we might've had when playing F1, but remembering that these games are distant in time and place.

It would require sacrifices, and big ones. For example, you won't see any opened Vaults. People will be divided on those who scavenge in the cities (weak theme in F1) and those who are in agriculture (like Shady Sands), protecting themselves against first cathegory. How about "technophobia" - you can't waltz in some farming community with PIP-Boy on your belt, because they hate old technology (well, except guns, but only because they cna't survive without them). Mutants will be just coming on the scene, don't expect to see hordes of Floaters around. There will be plenty of rats, though. Most of your probems will be around raiders and bandits.

[img align=center" src="//]

Most of the proponents of FO3 being a prequel hold that particular opinion due to the fact that they don't want another "jump" in the atmosphere of the game. The thing is, though, that the wasteland only became so advanced due to two factors:

1. The development of a monetary system and some of the other little things people have been complaining about can be attributed to the logical progression of society. Just because they've made a little progress in rebuilding society doesn't mean that FO3 will be full of flying cars, or palmtop computers, or anything of the sort.

2. A lot of the advancement that took place between FO1 and FO2 was due to the re-integration of Brotherhood technology into the wastes. Since there are no other (discovered) technological storehouses of that caliber, it stands to reason that technological development in the wastes between FO2 and 3 will not be quite as... rapid.
RE: Civilized?

>Most of the proponents of FO3
>being a prequel hold that
>particular opinion due to the
>fact that they don't want
>another "jump" in the atmosphere
>of the game.

I would want the same atmosphere, but I don't want "same old", which will inevitably happen. Yes, I admit that I'm still playing Fallout 1, but I don't want Fallout 3 to be following every step of Fallout - like looking for anscient artifact with time limit, then saving the world.

>1. The development of a monetary
>system and some of the
>other little things people have
>been complaining about can be
>attributed to the logical progression
>of society.

Continue: "Then again, ghouls are not very logical element - people don't just mutate. And mutant species are quite impossible because they are not fertile. And what are such bulky and ineffective electronics doing in 22nd century?" Fallout 1 was logical only when it was fun and fit into the atmosphere. I don't want "logical progression", because...

>Just because they've
>made a little progress in
>rebuilding society doesn't mean that
>FO3 will be full of
>flying cars, or palmtop computers,
>or anything of the sort.

...because it's implying what you just told. And that's not "little progress" - Shi have supercomputers, we already seen helicopters, and Vault City itself is an abomination that has nothing to do with Fallout 1 atmosphere.

>2. A lot of the advancement
>that took place between FO1
>and FO2 was due to
>the re-integration of Brotherhood technology
>into the wastes. Since there
>are no other (discovered) technological
>storehouses of that caliber, it
>stands to reason that technological
>development in the wastes between
>FO2 and 3 will not
>be quite as... rapid.

First of all, you are wrong about big part Brotherhood played in re-integration. Look at San Francisco - nobody heard about Brotherhood technology there. Vault City - well, you heard about it already. NCR looks like too much like a modern city. I'm already unsatisfied with the level of development in Fallout 2, and I don't want to go up or down because it will only make situation worse.

I'm trying to write a fanfic on how it could look, but no promises. Also, I'm open to hear anybody who can persuade me that I am wrong.

[img align=center" src="//]
RE: Civilized?

I dont know if it is true, but, when i read what you wrote, i think that you dont like playing FO2 ?

I dont think FO is more "post-nuclear" than FO2. It's only two differents times of the post-nuclear era. as i said in my first message about this topic, FO is about survive and reorganization of life in community. In FO2, it's the time after survive : it's (quite) life. The world is still post nuclear : there are no cars in New Reno (except yours), Mutants are still there, still wastes, and all that...
Sure, if FO3 is after FO2 and that society is the same as ours nowadays, it cant work (in Postman it was strange, at the end of the film that people were with XX century clothes, for an example :)) But (also) as i said, the map could be divide in FO3 between the civilise part of the world, and the "old good wastelands". and, why not, player could choose between a primary quest in one or other part (or twice)
RE: Civilized?

>I dont know if it is
>true, but, when i read
>what you wrote, i think
>that you dont like playing
>FO2 ?

It's a nice game, but bad sequel.

[img align=center" src="//]
RE: Civilized?

>It's a nice game, but bad sequel.

ok... what do you think about all other thing ?
RE: Civilized?

[font color=#888888]I dont think FO is more "post-nuclear" than FO2. It's only two differents times of the post-nuclear era. as i said in my first message about this topic, FO is about survive and reorganization of life in community. In FO2, it's the time after survive : it's (quite) life. The world is still post nuclear : there are no cars in New Reno (except yours), Mutants are still there, still wastes, and all that...
Sure, if FO3 is after FO2 and that society is the same as ours nowadays, it cant work (in Postman it was strange, at the end of the film that people were with XX century clothes, for an example ) But (also) as i said, the map could be divide in FO3 between the civilise part of the world, and the "old good wastelands". and, why not, player could choose between a primary quest in one or other part (or twice)
[hr color=#888888]

There are too many people for post-nuclear war America. Maybe it's logical, but like I said, it's not always fun. Everything is too developed, too linked together, too involved.

[img align=center" src="//]
RE: Civilized?

I think that even though Fallout 2 takes place in post-nuclear world, it's doesn't have enough "post-nuclear" feeling.

[img align=center" src="//]
RE: Civilized?

you mean because of reborn of technology and all that ? yes, you're right in a sense
RE: Civilized?

Exactly! Reborn of technology and the grow of population is logical and very understandable, but it destroys a large portion of the "feel" first Fallout had.

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