Your RPG past...

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-02 AT 10:01PM (GMT)[p]I'm curious about people's RPG past. Post your experiences here.

Mine (in chronological order):

Ultima 3
Ultima 2
Bard's Tale
Dragon Wars
Pool of Radiance
... [ All of the GoldBox games except Hillsfar ] ...
Eye of the Beholder
Might + Magic VI
Might + Magic V
Diablo (hardly an RPG)
Baldur's Gate
Diablo 2
IceWind Dale
Baldur's Gate 2
Fallout 2

The best game of the bunch was Dragon Wars. What a classic game! They sure don't make games like that anymore... does anyone have a copy around? It'd be cool to make a conversion of it.

The most under-rated game is Anachronox. Though I never finished it, it was REALLY good! It's a pity that it took so much flak in online reviews.

- Jerky.
I personally have been more of a Squaresoft RPGer myself. I think I've got this in the right order.

Secret Of Mana (Best RPG of all time, IMHO)
Fallout (Extremely close second)
Fallout 2
Parasite Eve
Seiken Densetsu 3 (Makes you REALLY made at Square for not releasing it)
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 6 (Tied with Fallout for second)

Secret Of Mana is simply more beautiful and has more Je Ne Se Qua (if I spelt that right) than any other RPG. Final Fantasy 6 is amazing in the same way, except not quite as much. And, of course, Fallout is Fallout. Right now, I'm waiting for my PSOne to show up. I've got Chrono Chross, FF7, and Legend Of Mana, just waiting to be played...

"I am a sick man. I am an angry man. I am an unattractive man. I think there's something wrong with my liver." - Fyodor Dostoevsky
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-02 AT 11:09PM (GMT)[p]hmm... the first to last eh..

zelda1 (for normal nintendo)i beat this when iwas in kindergarten
zelda: link to the past
quest for glory 1-4
the realm (stupid sierra hunk o junk)
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IX
Diablo II (ewy..)
Chrono Cross (wasnt very good in my opinion)
Golden Sun (borring)
Currently on...... Breath of Fire IV

well it's almost in perfect chronological order, and im missing alot of games... like wasteland.. and abadon.. hmm i've played to many games to remember them all sadly..

forgot Mordor and its sequel (well i at least beta tested the sequel if that counts), also secret of mana... god this is what 3 weeks off school does to me, zuger has no more brain.
These are only the ones i remeber. When i beat the game i sell it to my friends at extremely high prices. I gotta make a profeit.

Zelda: Links awakening
Zelda (origonal)
final fantasy III
(did anyone notice the resemblance between "final fantasy: spirits within" and "tron")
fallout 2
Zelda: ocerina of time. (sucks)
diablo2 (also crap)
baulders gate
fallout (now fallout 2 makes sence)

I think that's in order.
My RPG past looks sadly pathetic compared to the impressive lists most of you have compiled... Anyway, here goes:

1) Diablo (Bought because it had neat spell effects!!)
2) Fallout (The packaging had me. I mean, who can resist a 'Nuclear Survival Kit')
3) Fallout 2 (Fallout left me empty after I finished it, a feeling I had NEVER felt before in my life. Unfortunately, the sequel didn't even come close.)
4) Baldur's Gate (I heard it was good and it was only AUS $30. Pity, I want my $30 back...)
5) Diablo 2 (Well.... The 1st one was okay.... I still haven't gotten past the rogues camp... Mainly because the game sucks.)
6) Arcanum (Still modding it. I haven't bought another game for about 6 months now.... Actually, I bought Arcanum and Diablo 2 on the same day....)

And please... No comments :( Ummm... Do 'The Sims' and 'RR Tyccon II' count as RPGs? I can add them in!!

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
Wow. Lots of console gamers here.

I have a question for you console people. What do you like and don't like about console RPGs? Given this experience, how would you improve the PC rpg?

IMO (with my limited console RPG experience) Anachronox is the most similar to Square games (starting with FF7).
>And please... No comments :( Ummm...
>Do 'The Sims' and 'RR
>Tyccon II' count as RPGs?
>I can add them in!!

Hey that's not bad a bad list! You played the "major" ones like me and though most of them sucked (like Diablo, Baldur's Gate). I don't blame you for not buying any games in the past 6 months! :)

You should try one of the Might + Magic games or any of the Wizardry games. You should be able to find them cheap. I haven't played many of these games, but I know others who have and they say they're really good.

Wizardry 8 apparently is supposed to be one of the best RPGs to be released in the past 4 years. Too bad SirTech and the Wizardry franchise are essentially gone.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-02 AT 11:13AM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-02 AT 10:18 AM (GMT)

Interesting. I guess I am a bit off beat here.

Lunar I (Sega CD, one of my fav.)
Lunar II (same)
Valkyrie (same system)
Snatcher (same system, so rare it's almost a legend)
Popful Mail (same sys., maybe wrong name, it was too diffcult to finish at the time)
Phantasy Star II(Genesis)
PS III (same)
PS IV (same system, one of my fav. in the series)
Golden Axe #? (same system, one of the first hybirdes)
Shining Force I (same, hybrid)
SF II (same)
D (Saturn, not exactly an RPG, but has enough elements to be hybrid, one of my fav.)
Lunacy (Same)
Shining the Holy Ark (same system)
Dark Savior (same, neat concept)
Guardian Heroes (same, but it's a debatable RPG)
Shining Wisdom (same system)
Albert Odyssey (same)
Rayearth??? (I am not sure of the name since it's been 5 yrs, same system)
Grandia (playstation)
Final Fantasy IV (same)
FF VIII (same, played more of the series in other language, but it's too long ago to remember any of the numbers)
Chrono Trigger (same)
Suikoden I (same, similar to Shining Force)
Su II (same)
Valkyrie Profile (same, interesting hybrid)
Legend of Dragoon (same, kinda boring)
Ark the Lad I (same, don't remember played in Jap. or Eng.)
Daggerfall (PC, one of my fav. pc rpgs, someone once said that without any Guides/faqs/walkthrough on this game, it would take someone 500+ hrs to finish by trial and error.:D)
Diablo I(same sys., interesting hybrid)
D II (same)
Heroes of Might and Magic VII? III? ???(No idea which number it was, it's been a while, and they do have a weird numbering sys)
Fallout I (same, needless to say, one of my fav.)
FO II (same)
Baldur's Gate I (same sys, couldn't finish, the level limiter pi##ed me off too much. :D)
Ultima I - VIII (same sys, most of it is too old to play on my current sys.)
Noctroplis (same sys, an interesting classic)

And many many others in other languages on both consoles and PCs. There are a few I can't remember the names of for the life of me, so I am going to have to let them go. Jeez, looking at this list now, I can't believe how far I've come in this fantasic adventure in the world of RPGs.:D

Since we are on this topic, can anybody care to help me finish my collection a bit?

Magic Knight Rayearth (Saturn)
Lunar I: The Silver Story Complete (playstation)
Lunar II (PS)
Lunar II (saturn)
Shining Force III (saturn)
Panzer Dragoon Saga (saturn)
Sakura Wars II (same)
Langrissier 5 (same)
Grandia I (same)
Evangelion S.G.F (same)
Phantasy Star Collection (same)
Snatcher (sega cd)
Policenauts (saturn, it's as rare as the Snatcher, and I don't think I've got the spelling right)
Summoner (same sys)
Graduation II (same sys)

OOOps, I think I got ahead of myself here for a bit, but I guess that's just part of my RPG collection puzzle that still needs to be filled. Most of the stuff is even more diffcult to hunt down overseas since the cycle rate is faster then ours, and they don't exactly have a used, and antiques market in games.

One word of caution before I go, any discussion on FFVII can quickly become the Baldur's Gate V.S Fallout debate, so sometimes it's better not to chance it. I got the earfull while I was still with the GameSages' forum, and that's 2 yrs ago. Anyway, I seriously recommendes you to pick up some more classics before you start to establish a opinion on console RPGs. If you are on PS, you can prob. start out with Grandia I, the Lunar series, FF Chronicles, and the Suikoden series, etc(any other recommendations welcome). That should give you some basic fundation on the wide console RPG world for you to explore even farther.

Well, just my twoonies, yens, and dons.

A nostalgic Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
Let's start with nostalgia:

Intellivision :
D&D: my first rpg ever

i still own that intellivion but not that cartridge.

Commodore 64:
The bard's tale I II and III
Dragon wars
Final Fantasy (the lower ones)
Questron I and II
Wizardry (i think)
D&D games (pool of radiance and others)
Zak McKraken and the alien mindbenders
Maniac Mansion
A lot of typing-based rpg like games where there were no or few graphics and you had to use your memory and your imaginatiion rather than quick reflexes
Nintendo (NES, Game Boy, SNES, N64)
all of the zelda(x-cept the last two on GB)
Final Fantasy (the middle ones)

D&D (don't remember the names)
Dune (the first one on my 386)
Fallout 1 and 2
Day of the tentacle

This list is not complete and not restricted to "true RPG" since some of these games predates the term RPG.
But these games are games wich made an impact on my gaming and games i like to go back once in a while.

"I'm Ugly and I AM CANADIAN!"
Thanks for reminding me. I forgot to include Zelda 1 and 2 at the beginning of the list.

"I am a sick man. I am an angry man. I am an unattractive man. I think there's something wrong with my liver." - Fyodor Dostoevsky
and i forgot all about ADOM and Nethack =]
and the muds...and Lufia... and Crystalis (nes rpg)
ahh, the good old days, back in the nintendo and super nintendo days.. is it just me or has the gaming industry changed game genres on us. theres so many old classic RPG's. yet, all the newer ones just dissapoint. Or maybe its just me who's changed, TV has made me A.D.D so i cant sit down and concentrate on the same game for hours on end :D nah that cant be it, its the others who've changed :P
Man, this sucks, it looks like I am the only Sega fan around here.:D I stopped playing N/super N games by the time I got to U.S, so I have no idea what kind of games I played on N/super N in other languages.

There are no other Lunar or Phantasy Star fans around here? I know they are a bit old school, but, c'mon.:D

I did play some Bard's Tale and related when I was taking my computer courses in the US though. It was a great way to learn English. "You have been attacked by a group of red ooz/slime[whatever], and you lost 1/2 of your HP!!". "What the hell is a Ooz?!!", I screamed. There was no way any of these stuff is in regular dictionary. The good old days.

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
>I did play some Bard's Tale
>and related when I was
>taking my computer courses in
>the US though. It
>was a great way to
>learn English. "You have
>been attacked by a group
>of red ooz/slime[whatever], and you
>lost 1/2 of your HP!!".
> "What the hell is
>a Ooz?!!", I screamed.
>There was no way any
>of these stuff is in
>regular dictionary. The good
>old days.

As you migh know since you are stalking me :-) , i'm french.
I learned my english vocabulary playing bard's tale and wasteland alongside a english-french dictionnary. Of course the pronounciation isn't always there but my wife helps me there. Right now i'm learning to speak with a Scotish accent.

"I'm Ugly and I AM CANADIAN!"
Seriously, it would take more than a half hour to think of all and list all of them.

This includes a lot of homebrew and DOS CRPGs as well, plus a couple dozen or so console ones. The list I estimate, might be around 300 in total, if including some hybrids like System Shock and SS2.