[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-02 AT 11:13AM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-02 AT 10:18 AM (GMT)
Interesting. I guess I am a bit off beat here.
Lunar I (Sega CD, one of my fav.)
Lunar II (same)
Valkyrie (same system)
Snatcher (same system, so rare it's almost a legend)
Popful Mail (same sys., maybe wrong name, it was too diffcult to finish at the time)
Phantasy Star II(Genesis)
PS III (same)
PS IV (same system, one of my fav. in the series)
Golden Axe #? (same system, one of the first hybirdes)
Shining Force I (same, hybrid)
SF II (same)
D (Saturn, not exactly an RPG, but has enough elements to be hybrid, one of my fav.)
Lunacy (Same)
Shining the Holy Ark (same system)
Dark Savior (same, neat concept)
Guardian Heroes (same, but it's a debatable RPG)
Shining Wisdom (same system)
Albert Odyssey (same)
Rayearth??? (I am not sure of the name since it's been 5 yrs, same system)
Grandia (playstation)
Final Fantasy IV (same)
FF VIII (same, played more of the series in other language, but it's too long ago to remember any of the numbers)
Chrono Trigger (same)
Suikoden I (same, similar to Shining Force)
Su II (same)
Valkyrie Profile (same, interesting hybrid)
Legend of Dragoon (same, kinda boring)
Ark the Lad I (same, don't remember played in Jap. or Eng.)
Daggerfall (PC, one of my fav. pc rpgs, someone once said that without any Guides/faqs/walkthrough on this game, it would take someone 500+ hrs to finish by trial and error.

Diablo I(same sys., interesting hybrid)
D II (same)
Heroes of Might and Magic VII? III? ???(No idea which number it was, it's been a while, and they do have a weird numbering sys)
Fallout I (same, needless to say, one of my fav.)
FO II (same)
Baldur's Gate I (same sys, couldn't finish, the level limiter pi##ed me off too much.

Ultima I - VIII (same sys, most of it is too old to play on my current sys.)
Noctroplis (same sys, an interesting classic)
And many many others in other languages on both consoles and PCs. There are a few I can't remember the names of for the life of me, so I am going to have to let them go. Jeez, looking at this list now, I can't believe how far I've come in this fantasic adventure in the world of RPGs.
Since we are on this topic, can anybody care to help me finish my collection a bit?
Magic Knight Rayearth (Saturn)
Lunar I: The Silver Story Complete (playstation)
Lunar II (PS)
Lunar II (saturn)
Shining Force III (saturn)
Panzer Dragoon Saga (saturn)
Sakura Wars II (same)
Langrissier 5 (same)
Grandia I (same)
Evangelion S.G.F (same)
Phantasy Star Collection (same)
Snatcher (sega cd)
Policenauts (saturn, it's as rare as the Snatcher, and I don't think I've got the spelling right)
Summoner (same sys)
Graduation II (same sys)
OOOps, I think I got ahead of myself here for a bit, but I guess that's just part of my RPG collection puzzle that still needs to be filled. Most of the stuff is even more diffcult to hunt down overseas since the cycle rate is faster then ours, and they don't exactly have a used, and antiques market in games.
One word of caution before I go, any discussion on FFVII can quickly become the Baldur's Gate V.S Fallout debate, so sometimes it's better not to chance it. I got the earfull while I was still with the GameSages' forum, and that's 2 yrs ago. Anyway, I seriously recommendes you to pick up some more classics before you start to establish a opinion on console RPGs. If you are on PS, you can prob. start out with Grandia I, the Lunar series, FF Chronicles, and the Suikoden series, etc(any other recommendations welcome). That should give you some basic fundation on the wide console RPG world for you to explore even farther.
Well, just my twoonies, yens, and dons.
A nostalgic Starseeker, signing off.
"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."