Ze Fall v1.7


Carbon Dated and Proud
Worthplaying is reporting that there is a new patch to The Fall, they are now up to version 1.7:<blockquote> Folgende Probleme wurden behandelt in v1.7:

- Mouse Roll Over über Muni = Passende Waffe im Inventar und beim Händler anzeigen (und umgekehrt)
- XP-Anzeige nach jedem Kill (über dem toten Feind, ähnlich Schaden)
- Waffen können über Kontextmenü Namen gegeben werden
- Anzeige des Rüstungswerts im aufklappbaren Inventar
- Aufrufen des Kontextmenüs im Inventar möglich
- Waffen entladen über Kontextmenü
- Option: Navigieren über Minimap
- Option: Tauschwerte ein/aus.....</blockquote>Link: The Fall patch 1.7
scatman839 said:
is this even getting made into an english verison?

My guess would be no. I never got around to reading the reviews but I did want to check it out. Now I just don't care anymore. I finally got my copy of S3 so I've got my fix for eurogames down for now.
scatman839 said:
is this even getting made into an english verison?



When they've killed all the bugs.

I mean, it's the friggin' international market, innit?
i try to translate:

-Mouse Roll Over over the ammo =shows suitable weapon on trader (and in reverse)
- XP Announcement after every kill over the enemy (like the damage)
-Weapons can be named over the contextmenue
- Announcement of the arms value in the popup-inventory
- contextmenue can be shown in the inventory
-weapon unload over contextmenue
- option: navigate over minimap
- option: Exchange values on/off
Taintspore said:
I never got around to reading the reviews but I did want to check it out. Now I just don't care anymore. I finally got my copy of S3 so I've got my fix for eurogames down for now.
Why, you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, pretentious and condescending as it may be.
Your fix of "eurogames"? I don't even know if that's more funny, stupid or offensive.

Not that anyone cares if you care. I am just slightly irritated by the term "eurogames" - so why exactly wouldn't someone buy Gothic AND Silent Storm, for example? Because an English turnbased strategy game can satisfy the desire for a German realtime action-rpg? Do tell.
As for the actual topic (The Fall) I guess I will buy it - eventually. After finishing Gothic II. By that time it should be both playable and cheap.