Synposis of Chapter 1-
Note- New Players should read the entire chapter as many details are left out of this summary of the events of the first chapter-
Chapter 1-
The first few posts- by Robert- is essentially an instruction guide from a person who has survived the zombie apocalypse with Beth and has gone to have a child. Robert and Beth are the only certain survivors. Other characters may have survived, but they are unmentioned. Robert offers a few suggestions and problems.
Robert and Duke, his friend, were camping out in the Nebraska fields when the Leonid meteor shower came down in an especially violent way. Some of the meteors crashed into nearby towns and villages causing lots of destruction. Early the next day they drove to the nearest Truck Stop- the T-Bone.
Also at the T-Bone were a variety of other visitors, including a surprise visit from a helicopter crew of government types (Bob Larkin and Sean Blank of NPS, Jim Kerr of Fish and Wildlife, Stephanie Bridges of the EPA and Dr Bridget Haussman of CDC) whose helicopter had broken down. Assisting them was a Nebraska state trooper, Bo.
Those at the cafe could watch CNN on TV and quickly got the idea that the world was suffering widespread anarchy. Cities across the world were suffering outbreak of mob violence and cannibalism. Then the TV and the cell phones and most of the electricity went out.
A fight soon ensued at the T-Bone when the local leader of a skinhead militia outfit (Horst) taunted an African American trucker (Baldwin) who responded by bashing in his head with a wrench. Under treatment by Dr. Haussman and others, Horst became conscious and tried to bite those trying to help him but was, luckily, shot through the head by one of the patrons- Luke a professional hunter. In the process however, the computer being used by the CDC doctor (Dr. Haussman) was damaged and the doctor herself was injured. Horst's assistant Flip was left alone and stunned by the attack.
At the T-Bone, the local state trooper was able to use his police radio to call in a State Trooper helicopter unit, which informed him that it had not enough gas to get to the T-Bone, but could get to an abandoned airfield in Brownson. Plans were made to send a truck out to bring fuel to the State Trooper chopper (piloted by Erica Spears).
Stephanie, the EPA assistant, went over to the Motel to see if she could get some help with the laptop and spent much of the morning with Mr. Foo listening to the world collapse while she tried to negotiate with nearby Warren AFB for a helicopter and assistance.
The mysterious Mr. Foo was discovering that the world really was in trouble. Mr. Foo runs a communications eavesdropping station that relies on old 1950s technology to listen in on radio and other communications around the world. Happily someone at CIA HQ has managed to network this communications array so that he can contact other Eavesdroppers and certain US defense installations. The network seems to be one of the few surviving communications networks operating and had becomes the ears of nearby Warren AFB- a nuclear missile site. Also at the Hotel, Ellen Cody and Jenny the astronomer began to prepare the Hotel for defense, barricading the few stairwells that lead up to the more secure second floor.
Meanwhile- Jimmy the runaway who had been hiding out in the T-Bone's junkyard, discovered that something was digging itself out from beneath the hulk of an old junked vehicle. He called over to Mitchell (a mechanic) and Wallace (a reservation cop turned trucker) for help. As Mitchell went back to his truck to get a gun, the corpse dug itself out from under the car and chased the Mitchell and Jimmy back to the garage. Somehow Wallace missed both the boys and the corpse on his return to the junkyard, and the first zombie wandered into the garage where it promptly took a bite out of Earl- one of the owners and mechanics.
Meanwhile- Tisha (a TV journalist) and Willie (her camera man) got one of the kitchen help to assist them and took off for the nearest town- Sidney. But before they got to Sidney they were stopped by massive automobile accident on the main highway (I-80). When they went to cover the story, they were attacked by the zombies- some of them being remarkably fast. Willie and Tisha managed to escaped but the kitchen helpers, Thomas, got his head ripped off by one of the zombies that reached through the passenger window and gave his head a good yank.
Meanwhile- hearing that a meteorite had fallen North of the town, a few of the Hotel patrons (the Latham family, Alex the marine, Michael the Brit, and Felice the Monica Belucci like thief) went to investigate. Unhappily for them, something wicked came out of the meteorites- a swarm of rather nasty alien mosquito like beasties that killed Alex (turning him into a zombie) and then went after the others. Of them, only Michael managed to escape. Poor Felice got bitten on the neck as she tried to flee in her Porsche, Mr. Latham and the Latham kids all got stung and poor Mrs. Latham got pulled apart. Last seen, the mosquitoes from hell were making like a flock to the local nearby Militia compound.
Bo the trooper had gone to the garage to get help to move fuel to the State Trooper helicopter landing in Brownson when the zombie from the junkyard had entered and attacked Earl. Bo managed to kill the zombie with his shotgun. However Earl turned into a zombie and attacked the others. His brother-in-law Hammond tried to stop the others from shooting the zombie, but Bo, the state trooper fired away destroying Earl. In retaliation for the apparent killing of his brother-in-law, Hammond shot and wounded both Bo and Sean. As Wallace and Bob (the helicopter pilot trying to fix the chopper) attempted to stop the situation, Hammond shot Sean again, causing his death. In the gunfight that followed, Hammond was finally killed. Like his brother, Hammond also returned as a zombie but was destroyed by the combined efforts of David the Truck, Kimberly the Pharmacist/DEA agent, Bob Larkin and others.
Tisha and Willie- having escaped the pile-up fled back to the T-Bone where they met with Mrs. Foo and Father McCormick who had come to help organize. Little did Tisha and Willie realize that by driving away from the zombie mob they had actually managed to draw the zombie mob to the dinner.
Charlie the Cook joined Luke the hunter and both men went to the roof to begin shooting at the first zombies (the runners) killing most, but not all the bad creatures). But they lacked the firepower to stop the more numerous walkers that made their way to the human feast. Eventually they were joined by Azadeh Samimi who had retrieved Alex’s AR-15 from his tent and began using that from the ground.
A small group (Kimberly the Pharmacist/DEA agent, Baldwin and Wallace) left in Baldwin’s truck went to Brownson to get fuel to the State Trooper vehicle. During this period the AFB finally responded, dropping a Fuel Air Explosive on Brownson, essentially flattening the town but doing little against the zombie horde coming for the T-Bone itself. This group finally made a rendezvous- meeting up with Michael the Brit who had survived the attack of the alien mosquitoes, and another State Trooper- Joe Barring, who had nearly been vaporized in the explosion over Brownson.
Horst's body had been moved to the walk-in refrigerator. Flip slipped into the frig to steal the keys when Horst grabbed him. Flip responded by bashing in Horsts head with a can of tomato puree. But before Flip could escape, he was confronted by Bud, the PI's 38. Bud was on his own mission- to find a missing girl he believed to have been abducted by the PMS for its own malicious purposes.
Elsewhere at the T-Bone, things were getting desperate as a small group of the survivors began to shoot down the zombies approaching. Charlie and Luke continued firing from the roof while Azadeh the engineer fired from the ground. Azadeh was joined by Bud the PI after Flip was locked away in the frig with Horst. Even so, these individuals could provide sufficient firepower to stop the approaching horde.
Mrs. Foo suggested that the people at the T-Bone escape. But before that could happen a group of skinheads arrived in the parking lot, throwing a satchel bomb under the chopper and demanding the release of Horst (the dead leader). The T-Bone survivors tried to stall as the zombies approached with Bob attempting to negotiate.
Rita, the wife of Hammond, told the other T-Bone survivors that Hammond and Earl- long time criminals- had hid guns in the basement of the T-Bone. However, getting to them wasn't easy. Meanwhile others sought to evacuate to the rooftop, and this became desperate as zombies surrounded the T-Bone. Across the street at Mr. Foo's motel, zombies from the other direction were beginning to arrive as well, putting pressure on their defenses.
Discovering the access to the basement led to another discovery- the basement was part of a larger complex- the Geronimo Detention Facility. Down below Duke, Robert and Lynne discovered Kerry and killed both a zombie and one of the beloved dogs of this adventure.
Bob attempted to negotiate using Flip while the zombies began to finally close in. Bud, objected. Buzz the leader of the skinheads had the satchel bomb moved from the helicopter to the front of the T-Bone. Mr. Foo tried to kill Buzz, the holder of the detonator, and brought the man down in a hail of gunfire. A firefight ensued and a grenade was thrown, injuring Bob, and taking out Flip and Bud while zombies began to come through the window. The zombies finished off both Bud and Flip as they bleed to death. The T-Bone survivors began to make the final withdrawal, some going up onto the roof while others escaping to the basement.
Then calamity. By unfortunate circumstance (I think a luck roll) the satchel bomb was detonated. Most of the zombies were obliterated in the blast, but unfortunately so were a number of our T-Bone people including Ashley, Rita, Tisha, Father McCormick, Charlie the Cook, David the Mechanic. Azadeh was badly wounded. Others were also wounded or mentally shocked.
Following the explosion the survivors mopped up the remaining zombies and eliminate those "zombie possibles"
At Brownson, a second battle ensued. Michael had rejoined the T-Bone group at the airfield, as had Joe Barring and Erica Spears. But refueling the helicopter took time and the small group had to hold off the zombies that were rushing towards them. In the battle that followed Kimberly got bitten in the arm. However, the helicopter was refueled. Michael, Kimberly and Erica left by air, while Wallace, Baldwin and Joe Barring left by truck to return to the T-Bone.
At about this point the Air Force arrived and quickly took control of the Hotel.
Which is where Chapter 2 is now.
Note- New Players should read the entire chapter as many details are left out of this summary of the events of the first chapter-
Chapter 1-
The first few posts- by Robert- is essentially an instruction guide from a person who has survived the zombie apocalypse with Beth and has gone to have a child. Robert and Beth are the only certain survivors. Other characters may have survived, but they are unmentioned. Robert offers a few suggestions and problems.
Robert and Duke, his friend, were camping out in the Nebraska fields when the Leonid meteor shower came down in an especially violent way. Some of the meteors crashed into nearby towns and villages causing lots of destruction. Early the next day they drove to the nearest Truck Stop- the T-Bone.
Also at the T-Bone were a variety of other visitors, including a surprise visit from a helicopter crew of government types (Bob Larkin and Sean Blank of NPS, Jim Kerr of Fish and Wildlife, Stephanie Bridges of the EPA and Dr Bridget Haussman of CDC) whose helicopter had broken down. Assisting them was a Nebraska state trooper, Bo.
Those at the cafe could watch CNN on TV and quickly got the idea that the world was suffering widespread anarchy. Cities across the world were suffering outbreak of mob violence and cannibalism. Then the TV and the cell phones and most of the electricity went out.
A fight soon ensued at the T-Bone when the local leader of a skinhead militia outfit (Horst) taunted an African American trucker (Baldwin) who responded by bashing in his head with a wrench. Under treatment by Dr. Haussman and others, Horst became conscious and tried to bite those trying to help him but was, luckily, shot through the head by one of the patrons- Luke a professional hunter. In the process however, the computer being used by the CDC doctor (Dr. Haussman) was damaged and the doctor herself was injured. Horst's assistant Flip was left alone and stunned by the attack.
At the T-Bone, the local state trooper was able to use his police radio to call in a State Trooper helicopter unit, which informed him that it had not enough gas to get to the T-Bone, but could get to an abandoned airfield in Brownson. Plans were made to send a truck out to bring fuel to the State Trooper chopper (piloted by Erica Spears).
Stephanie, the EPA assistant, went over to the Motel to see if she could get some help with the laptop and spent much of the morning with Mr. Foo listening to the world collapse while she tried to negotiate with nearby Warren AFB for a helicopter and assistance.
The mysterious Mr. Foo was discovering that the world really was in trouble. Mr. Foo runs a communications eavesdropping station that relies on old 1950s technology to listen in on radio and other communications around the world. Happily someone at CIA HQ has managed to network this communications array so that he can contact other Eavesdroppers and certain US defense installations. The network seems to be one of the few surviving communications networks operating and had becomes the ears of nearby Warren AFB- a nuclear missile site. Also at the Hotel, Ellen Cody and Jenny the astronomer began to prepare the Hotel for defense, barricading the few stairwells that lead up to the more secure second floor.
Meanwhile- Jimmy the runaway who had been hiding out in the T-Bone's junkyard, discovered that something was digging itself out from beneath the hulk of an old junked vehicle. He called over to Mitchell (a mechanic) and Wallace (a reservation cop turned trucker) for help. As Mitchell went back to his truck to get a gun, the corpse dug itself out from under the car and chased the Mitchell and Jimmy back to the garage. Somehow Wallace missed both the boys and the corpse on his return to the junkyard, and the first zombie wandered into the garage where it promptly took a bite out of Earl- one of the owners and mechanics.
Meanwhile- Tisha (a TV journalist) and Willie (her camera man) got one of the kitchen help to assist them and took off for the nearest town- Sidney. But before they got to Sidney they were stopped by massive automobile accident on the main highway (I-80). When they went to cover the story, they were attacked by the zombies- some of them being remarkably fast. Willie and Tisha managed to escaped but the kitchen helpers, Thomas, got his head ripped off by one of the zombies that reached through the passenger window and gave his head a good yank.
Meanwhile- hearing that a meteorite had fallen North of the town, a few of the Hotel patrons (the Latham family, Alex the marine, Michael the Brit, and Felice the Monica Belucci like thief) went to investigate. Unhappily for them, something wicked came out of the meteorites- a swarm of rather nasty alien mosquito like beasties that killed Alex (turning him into a zombie) and then went after the others. Of them, only Michael managed to escape. Poor Felice got bitten on the neck as she tried to flee in her Porsche, Mr. Latham and the Latham kids all got stung and poor Mrs. Latham got pulled apart. Last seen, the mosquitoes from hell were making like a flock to the local nearby Militia compound.
Bo the trooper had gone to the garage to get help to move fuel to the State Trooper helicopter landing in Brownson when the zombie from the junkyard had entered and attacked Earl. Bo managed to kill the zombie with his shotgun. However Earl turned into a zombie and attacked the others. His brother-in-law Hammond tried to stop the others from shooting the zombie, but Bo, the state trooper fired away destroying Earl. In retaliation for the apparent killing of his brother-in-law, Hammond shot and wounded both Bo and Sean. As Wallace and Bob (the helicopter pilot trying to fix the chopper) attempted to stop the situation, Hammond shot Sean again, causing his death. In the gunfight that followed, Hammond was finally killed. Like his brother, Hammond also returned as a zombie but was destroyed by the combined efforts of David the Truck, Kimberly the Pharmacist/DEA agent, Bob Larkin and others.
Tisha and Willie- having escaped the pile-up fled back to the T-Bone where they met with Mrs. Foo and Father McCormick who had come to help organize. Little did Tisha and Willie realize that by driving away from the zombie mob they had actually managed to draw the zombie mob to the dinner.
Charlie the Cook joined Luke the hunter and both men went to the roof to begin shooting at the first zombies (the runners) killing most, but not all the bad creatures). But they lacked the firepower to stop the more numerous walkers that made their way to the human feast. Eventually they were joined by Azadeh Samimi who had retrieved Alex’s AR-15 from his tent and began using that from the ground.
A small group (Kimberly the Pharmacist/DEA agent, Baldwin and Wallace) left in Baldwin’s truck went to Brownson to get fuel to the State Trooper vehicle. During this period the AFB finally responded, dropping a Fuel Air Explosive on Brownson, essentially flattening the town but doing little against the zombie horde coming for the T-Bone itself. This group finally made a rendezvous- meeting up with Michael the Brit who had survived the attack of the alien mosquitoes, and another State Trooper- Joe Barring, who had nearly been vaporized in the explosion over Brownson.
Horst's body had been moved to the walk-in refrigerator. Flip slipped into the frig to steal the keys when Horst grabbed him. Flip responded by bashing in Horsts head with a can of tomato puree. But before Flip could escape, he was confronted by Bud, the PI's 38. Bud was on his own mission- to find a missing girl he believed to have been abducted by the PMS for its own malicious purposes.
Elsewhere at the T-Bone, things were getting desperate as a small group of the survivors began to shoot down the zombies approaching. Charlie and Luke continued firing from the roof while Azadeh the engineer fired from the ground. Azadeh was joined by Bud the PI after Flip was locked away in the frig with Horst. Even so, these individuals could provide sufficient firepower to stop the approaching horde.
Mrs. Foo suggested that the people at the T-Bone escape. But before that could happen a group of skinheads arrived in the parking lot, throwing a satchel bomb under the chopper and demanding the release of Horst (the dead leader). The T-Bone survivors tried to stall as the zombies approached with Bob attempting to negotiate.
Rita, the wife of Hammond, told the other T-Bone survivors that Hammond and Earl- long time criminals- had hid guns in the basement of the T-Bone. However, getting to them wasn't easy. Meanwhile others sought to evacuate to the rooftop, and this became desperate as zombies surrounded the T-Bone. Across the street at Mr. Foo's motel, zombies from the other direction were beginning to arrive as well, putting pressure on their defenses.
Discovering the access to the basement led to another discovery- the basement was part of a larger complex- the Geronimo Detention Facility. Down below Duke, Robert and Lynne discovered Kerry and killed both a zombie and one of the beloved dogs of this adventure.
Bob attempted to negotiate using Flip while the zombies began to finally close in. Bud, objected. Buzz the leader of the skinheads had the satchel bomb moved from the helicopter to the front of the T-Bone. Mr. Foo tried to kill Buzz, the holder of the detonator, and brought the man down in a hail of gunfire. A firefight ensued and a grenade was thrown, injuring Bob, and taking out Flip and Bud while zombies began to come through the window. The zombies finished off both Bud and Flip as they bleed to death. The T-Bone survivors began to make the final withdrawal, some going up onto the roof while others escaping to the basement.
Then calamity. By unfortunate circumstance (I think a luck roll) the satchel bomb was detonated. Most of the zombies were obliterated in the blast, but unfortunately so were a number of our T-Bone people including Ashley, Rita, Tisha, Father McCormick, Charlie the Cook, David the Mechanic. Azadeh was badly wounded. Others were also wounded or mentally shocked.
Following the explosion the survivors mopped up the remaining zombies and eliminate those "zombie possibles"
At Brownson, a second battle ensued. Michael had rejoined the T-Bone group at the airfield, as had Joe Barring and Erica Spears. But refueling the helicopter took time and the small group had to hold off the zombies that were rushing towards them. In the battle that followed Kimberly got bitten in the arm. However, the helicopter was refueled. Michael, Kimberly and Erica left by air, while Wallace, Baldwin and Joe Barring left by truck to return to the T-Bone.
At about this point the Air Force arrived and quickly took control of the Hotel.
Which is where Chapter 2 is now.