Apr 19, 2004 #1 T teh fonx First time out of the vault Bleow is a set of prisoner zombie concepts, and a haxed job showing how they cna be interchanged to create variety. All this ofcourse for a presonal projcet of mine titled What if Meteors Prevail
Bleow is a set of prisoner zombie concepts, and a haxed job showing how they cna be interchanged to create variety. All this ofcourse for a presonal projcet of mine titled What if Meteors Prevail
Apr 19, 2004 #2 Wooz Vault Sweeper Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite Reminds me of the FO3 concept art. A bit too much. Also, why is the pipe coming out from the thing's anus stuck into his *leg*?
Reminds me of the FO3 concept art. A bit too much. Also, why is the pipe coming out from the thing's anus stuck into his *leg*?
Apr 19, 2004 #3 T teh fonx First time out of the vault tough crouwd, and the pipe, you gotta store good somewhere.
May 10, 2004 #4 X Xios First time out of the vault Looks pretty good to me, though the bodies seem a bit wide framed.
Aug 30, 2004 #5 H holyrebellion It Wandered In From the Wastes i love it. your style is hilarious. this guy rocks. keep it up =] holy
Aug 31, 2004 #6 T Tannhauser Venerable Relic of the Wastes Orderite I like the hard spacesuits, nice retro touch. So these are not normal zombies but space zombies!!!