Recent content by Angaelius

  1. A

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    If the bag bullshit wasn't grounds for legal action, I am sure there are half a dozen different government regulators in the 1st world that are waiting to bum Bethesda with a 3ft long cock right now.
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    Fallout 76

    There are already retards on Reddit slurping Bethesda cum over this. Somehow doing the bare minimum is praiseworthy to those idiots, enough so that they completely forgive the utter scam as a marketing misstep... There truly is no hope.
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    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    First post and all, but thought I might just jump in the deep end. After listening to the interview Indigo gaming did with Julian Jensen/Lefay. The picture painted by that post of Bethesda's operation seems all that unbelievable.