Fallout Ronto


First time out of the vault
Hey everyone!

So, I've been running a table-top Fallout game set in post Apocalyptic Southern Ontario/Northern New York (in game, this entire area is colloquially called 'Ronto'). As the campaign as been going on, I've been building up some artwork. I've been lurking this forum for a bit now, so I figured I'd pop my head out and share.





Everyone, please let me know of any thoughts, questions or comments you might have. If I've piqued anyone's interest, also let me know. I have tons of fluff to add, and in the future will be making more pictures.

Thanks in advance, everyone.
How has the campaign been going? That commie society seems pretty cool, would you be able to explain more about them? :D

Edit: Also it looks like your stuff is 40k inspired. :'
The campaign has been going amazingly.

Certainly. IRL, Hamilton, Ontario is a Steel town (not unlike Pittsburgh) located at the corner of lake Ontario.

In the world of Fallout, shortly after the Annexation of Canada, Hamilton (or 'The Hammer') was utilized as a massive, industrial work camp. Dissidents from around Canada and the United States were brought to the camps for various reasons (public misconduct, communist sympathies, etc). There they worked at the local steel mills as part of the war effort. Hamilton was a natural choice because of its proximity between the Mid-west, the East Coast, and Ontario proper.

Then the bombs fell. The guards at the camps did their best to keep everyone in line, but unfortunately for them a number of dissidents at The Hammer were Communist sympathizers. With some organization, the inhabitants at The Hammer staged their very own Communist Revolution.

Two hundred years latter, The Red Army of Steel Town is pushing its influence into the rest of Ronto. It is being led by the self-proclaimed 'Man of Steel' (a play off of both 'Steeltown' and Stalin, which is actually the russian word for steel). The Cheka (i.e. the guy you see in the picture) are an elite fighting force that uses a prototype "Power Shield" that is capable of deflecting artillery shells.

In short: imagine overzealous paladins, if those overzealous paladins were communists. They go around 'liberating' communities, sending locals to the Hammer's many "Rehabilitation Centers" for "Re-education". Anyone who is considered a 'Exploiter' (Money changers, Land Owners, Chem dealers) are killed on sight by the Cheka.

Edit: I know how this sounds, but any similarity between the guy in the first image and the Adeptus Mechanicus is coincidental (40k is awesome though). The guy in the top image is wearing a modified version of the Chinese Stealth Armour from Operation Anchorage. http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/6/6f/Crimson_Dragoon.png
Ah well thats pretty awesome. What are your players currently doing with said steel town, fighting or defending it?
A concession to the tabletop format? I know the first thing I thought upon seeing it was "theeere's your Tarrasque."
@ Antious

The Players have an interesting relationship with The Hammer. They started off as slaves with explosive collars. They had two options: pay for their freedom via a set number of caps, or use those caps to stage a slave revolution. The man who was organizing that revolution said he had an 'Army' to come in and help. That army turned out to be The Red Army of Steel Town, and suddenly the town had a pile of corpses in its center, and Red Army Choir music playing everywhere.

The players have been avoiding The Hammer since. It'll catch up to them though, and like with NV they'll have to decide where they stand with the faction.


I've made Ronto, particularly Algonquin National Park, the location of a lot of Megafauna. Creatures of mad science are a big theme for Fallout. We are close to being able to clone a Mammoth IRL. The Fallout universe can do things like turn a Jackson's Chameleon into a Deathclaw, or crossbreed rattlesnakes and coyotes. So I figured bringing a Mammoth back isn't that much of a stretch.

Prior to the Great War, one scientist started collecting the genomes of every species on earth (in anticipation of their extinction). He then modified the G.E.C.K. to produce whole, live organisms. The 'Gilgamesh Protocol' was designed to repopulate the earth with any species that had died out. Turns out something's gone wrong, and it's only pumping out mutated, previously extinct Megafauna.

Ronto's a little cold for Dinosaurs. BUT, prehistory is a theme I'm running with in the campaign. One of my players is a Tribal who reveres Deathclaws as the rightful inheritors of the Dinosaur Empire. Aaaaaannnnddd there's a bit more about Dinosaurs...but I'll get to that once I've got the art for it.

Right now I'm finishing up my art for a Woolly Rhino, and a Brahmin style Two-headed Moose.

@ Yamu

Yup. La Tarasque, it's referred to as. Whether they Kill it, redirect it, use it, or in-prison it: the players are one day for to have to make a choice.
I like the concept! Is it possible to tame the mammoths so that you can ride them? They'd make an excellent transport/weapon.
NDBurke said:
Hey everyone!

So, I've been running a table-top Fallout game set in post Apocalyptic Southern Ontario/Northern New York (in game, this entire area is colloquially called 'Ronto'). As the campaign as been going on, I've been building up some artwork. I've been lurking this forum for a bit now, so I figured I'd pop my head out and share.





Everyone, please let me know of any thoughts, questions or comments you might have. If I've piqued anyone's interest, also let me know. I have tons of fluff to add, and in the future will be making more pictures.

Thanks in advance, everyone.

I wish I could play w/ you guys. I just hope you don't mind having a Texan from South of The Mason-Dixon joining your party if I was there. X(