Can you stamp a leather armor for Cassidy's first proto as it's not working to just equip him with one. (vanilla bug, mentioned it 3 pages back but not sure if you saw it.)
Also, tested Myron with combat armor and I had no missing frames, maybe something went wrong with
@Hanakoa's install.
Regarding Kaga, the way he is set up, you can meet the same encounter over and over again, unless you kill him. Wouldn't it be better to set Global variable 764 to +1 in his map enter procedure and to 5 in his destroy procedure, and then check in worldmap.txt for < 1, < 2, < 3, < 4, < 5?
Speaking of luck by the way, do you, or anyone else for that matter, have any idea how luck works in regards to encounters? In worldmap.txt all the bad special encounters are listed at the top, with normal encounters in the middle and then the good encounters in the bottom. I did some test before where I removed all the normal encounters, and with luck 1 it pretty consistently (mostly, not always) gave the encounters in an order from top to bottom. It didn't seem hard coded as when I switched the good encounters up top, it went through those first. With a luck of 10 however, the order seemed to be totally random, with no clear predisposition towards the good (bottom) encounters. Also, with only special encounters in an encounter table, the game will give you every encounter once and then crash wen it runs out of options.
So I thought I was beginning to understand how it worked, but then when I added back the normal encounters and did some testing with low luck, it wasn't as predictable anymore. It seemed more random with no predisposition to bad encounters first. I don't know, it's confusing.