Alexander Strahan
First time out of the vault

Back in the olden days of FO1 and FO2, you got the power armor way late in the game, when most desert adventuring was done and it was time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.
In FO3, getting piles upon piles of power armor and learning to wear it came relatively early, and the pacing shifted from "lone survivor in the radioactive desert" to "Space Marine in the radioactive desert". Maybe it's my personal problem, but as soon as I put on a PA suit, I lost all interest in the finer points of post-apocalyptic existence, and started to actively look for asses to kick.
How does NV handle the power armor? Does it even exist? (I suspect it does, it wouldn't be FO without it). Does it become usable as easily and quickly as it did in FO3, or are things paced a bit better?
In FO3, getting piles upon piles of power armor and learning to wear it came relatively early, and the pacing shifted from "lone survivor in the radioactive desert" to "Space Marine in the radioactive desert". Maybe it's my personal problem, but as soon as I put on a PA suit, I lost all interest in the finer points of post-apocalyptic existence, and started to actively look for asses to kick.
How does NV handle the power armor? Does it even exist? (I suspect it does, it wouldn't be FO without it). Does it become usable as easily and quickly as it did in FO3, or are things paced a bit better?