First time out of the vault

I have been playing FO3 and FONV off and on since they came out. Now that rumors of fallout 4 is in the wind I started reflecting on what hooked me to the Fallout series in the beginning. I bought Fallout in 1997 when it was first released and Fallout 2 when it came out. Fallout 2 is my all time personal favorite of the series. The reason was the fun stuff the creators put into the game, Enclave, more locations, goofy dialog during combat, etc... and the toughness of the game. I had my characters head handed to him several times when I first started until I figured out how to play the game.
What I personally like to see in future games is a returning to the toughness of the game and the fog of war. The fog of war was great, it kept me excited during play time wondering what would happen next on my way to Redding from Vault City for example, and what about the Enclave when would they show up again? Great fun. I would like to see a minimizing of the perks and what perks there are, make them useful, maybe combining perks into groups based upon the players style of play or attributes.
I read a post here somewhere, the author wanted to limit the weapons and the ammo. I thought that was a good idea, however, I also thought the Gun Runners in FONV was a great addition. Keeping with "necessity is the mother of invention", new weapons, survival gear, clothes, etc... would be necessary, and finding caches of uber weapons is plain goofy.
I would like to see the Followers of the Apocalypse become more of an influence and possibly see the Enclave remnate team up with say the Followers, Great Khans, the city of Arroyo that the original Vault dweller settled or what ever, even some BoS chapter. Giving the new Fallout games a progressive look. Also, in FO2, as I am replaying the game now I noticed that the GECK was in every vault, in theory, and if so there should be more green. How people are to survive on a finite amount of Salisbury steak is beyond me, maybe there is more to Sugar Bombs that meet the eye.
In the first and second Fallout games, new ground was being developed and great ideas were implemented into the games. The story lines were excellent and the side quest were fun and helped develop the character. I did not fine that to be so in FO3 and FONV as much. The story lines were okay, not bad, but not great. The main quest in both, though fun, were not as gripping as in FO1 or FO2.
In either case I'm sure our friend at Bethesda will produce a good product, that is if they want to make any money on the series. I think that Fallout could fade if it is not kept fresh with new ideas and at the same time implementing older original roots.
I started to play FO2 again, after a 12 year break. And I am having a blast playing the old turn base combat, grainy graphics and a great story line. I look forward to the release of FO4.
What I personally like to see in future games is a returning to the toughness of the game and the fog of war. The fog of war was great, it kept me excited during play time wondering what would happen next on my way to Redding from Vault City for example, and what about the Enclave when would they show up again? Great fun. I would like to see a minimizing of the perks and what perks there are, make them useful, maybe combining perks into groups based upon the players style of play or attributes.
I read a post here somewhere, the author wanted to limit the weapons and the ammo. I thought that was a good idea, however, I also thought the Gun Runners in FONV was a great addition. Keeping with "necessity is the mother of invention", new weapons, survival gear, clothes, etc... would be necessary, and finding caches of uber weapons is plain goofy.
I would like to see the Followers of the Apocalypse become more of an influence and possibly see the Enclave remnate team up with say the Followers, Great Khans, the city of Arroyo that the original Vault dweller settled or what ever, even some BoS chapter. Giving the new Fallout games a progressive look. Also, in FO2, as I am replaying the game now I noticed that the GECK was in every vault, in theory, and if so there should be more green. How people are to survive on a finite amount of Salisbury steak is beyond me, maybe there is more to Sugar Bombs that meet the eye.
In the first and second Fallout games, new ground was being developed and great ideas were implemented into the games. The story lines were excellent and the side quest were fun and helped develop the character. I did not fine that to be so in FO3 and FONV as much. The story lines were okay, not bad, but not great. The main quest in both, though fun, were not as gripping as in FO1 or FO2.
In either case I'm sure our friend at Bethesda will produce a good product, that is if they want to make any money on the series. I think that Fallout could fade if it is not kept fresh with new ideas and at the same time implementing older original roots.
I started to play FO2 again, after a 12 year break. And I am having a blast playing the old turn base combat, grainy graphics and a great story line. I look forward to the release of FO4.