Editing RP NPC Companion Appearance when wearing Armor


First time out of the vault
Hi y'all can someone help me or guide me to do the following things:
Edit suilk/vic/myron/kitsune/jules when they wear leather/metal/combat Armor to point out to the default leather armor appearance and not the one that shows his feet/big tummy/skinny jeans/default appearance?
I'm thinking of editing their scripts to point out at the default proto of the armors? is this the way to go? if so please correct me and guide me please.

look for vic/myron/sulik scripts <--- what file name should i edit?

I also downloaded the unlimited party mod <--- should i edit this one instead?

and not related to my title post, how do i remove the talking head of sulik and myron?

Armor-appearance changes are handled similarly in almost all mods, there's a section at the end of talk_p_proc in each npcs script specifying basically "If you told them to change their armor and the new armor is X, use animation Y for the critter."

You won't be able to change this unless you can decompile and recompile scripts. :cry: Research the forum for info on what tools are needed and how to get started on that, as there are numerous discussions of the matter.
Thank you sir! I can now decompile :) Oh joy! I just found phobos2077's sfall script editor thank you so much.

I found these:
if ((obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(self_obj, 0)) == 349) or (obj_pid(critter_inven_obj(self_obj, 0)) == 348)) then begin metarule3(107, self_obj, 16777287, 0);

all i have to do is change them right? (the numbers) but I cant seem to find the right PID numbers. any idea what PID animation does the:
1) Long Hair Dude (Leather Armor) ?
2) LHD (Metal Armor) ?
3) LHD (Leather Jacket) ?
4) Combat Armor?
5) Leather Armor?
6) Leather Jacket?

I have the resources file of RP and im looking at header file CRITRPID.H but everytime i look at 16777287 it points me to PID_WEAK_GUN_GUARD_MALE. this is wrong right? so im quite confused which PID to use. Or did the legendary bear just use that PID for the custom animation of the bald dude?
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Still have no clue where and what Critter PID to use so that they change appearance depending on the armor. Can someone help me please? Just point me to the right file to look at.. :look:

What are the right PID for the following appearance both in leather jacket, leather armor, metal armor and combat armor:
Long Hair Dude
Bald Dude
Normal Male
Not Pid, but Fid. ARTFID.H is the file you should look at. Proto:

pid: 16777219 00000003


fid: 16777229 hmmaxx,11

PID is a pointer to given proto, while FID is a pointer to art.

As for custom 'models' used by player - AFAIK they're hacked-in, they don't have fids, nor presence in default directories. If true you'll have to add/put them there.
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Not Pid, but Fid. ARTFID.H is the file you should look at. Proto:

pid: 16777219 00000003


fid: 16777229 hmmaxx,11

PID is a pointer to given proto, while FID is a pointer to art.

As for custom 'models' used by player - AFAIK they're hacked-in, they don't have fids, nor presence in default directories. If true you'll have to add/put them there.

Thank you so much! finally finished editing and compiling.