How to lower high skill level starting out with RP,ect.


First time out of the vault
I have the newest RP and unofficial patch installed for FO2 and seem to keep having insanely high skill levels for my skills on any new character I roll, most are 30-50, I'd like them to be 20-30 ideally even if I cheat and have 6-8 attributes and a couple other things(I am kinda odd like that) :P

Its been years since I last played but thought these skill values seem high 0-o

Thanks for any help!
Well, first and foremost,
RP and Unofficial patch by Killap don't mix. If you want extra content, only install RP as it has UP already included.
ZippyDSMlee said:
I'd like them to be 20-30 ideally even if I cheat and have 6-8 attributes and a couple other things(I am kinda odd like that) :razz:

There's nothing unusual or modified about the RP/UP in this respect, so there must be a problem with whatever utilities you're using to hack your character.
Which skills are you talking about?I usually take goodnatured so my combat skills take a hit. If it really bothers you why not lower them with F2se?
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these could help with this problem,assumning you can script (simple scripts)

0x8244 - void set_available_skill_points(int value)
0x8245 - int  get_available_skill_points()
0x8246 - void mod_skill_points_per_level(int value)

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I have the newest RP and unofficial patch installed for FO2 and seem to keep having insanely high skill levels for my skills on any new character I roll, most are 30-50, I'd like them to be 20-30 ideally even if I cheat and have 6-8 attributes and a couple other things(I am kinda odd like that) :P

Its been years since I last played but thought these skill values seem high 0-o

Thanks for any help!

I'm guessing... change the difficulty from easy to hard?