List of HEX-based fixes/changes in Bos.exe file


Naked Moose
So here we go, i want to leave this here in new and clear topic. Feel free to try those fixes, test them and report success/failure. While reporting, try to specify what version do you use (GoG, Steam, whatever). Make sure you work with latest 1.27 bos.exe file.

Disclaimer: if nothing else stated, almost every fix is found by community members (specifically comrades Hex and Hmt)

If you want to edit game date and time:
2ADAE6 06 -> ?? (hours)
2ADAB9 1D -> ?? (minutes)
2ADB47 ?? ?? (year?)
42CB9C ?? ?? (year?)

No more random pink and blue colors in random encounters:
2AE3F4 83 -> 33
2AE3F5 E1 -> С9
2AE3F6 07 -> 90

Increased range for opening doors, looting etc (+1 range):
424D06 80 -> 00
424D07 3F -> 40

Perk/trait effect 'doNightPerson' will work for NPC too (replace every value by 90):
17C7BF 0F 85 B3 03 00 00

Blocking 'tagname' from erasing/rewriting (needs additional testing):
F6857 12 -> 56

Music will no be blocked/paused (Custom & Display World Text):
283BE8 01 -> 00
0D0487 01 -> 00

Music will no be blocked/paused in "dialogue":
0FB548 01 -> 00

Potential "burst bug" fix:
21959B 28 -> 01

Now this is interesting - immobilizing multiplier (1.25 by default). Float variable, feel free to test changes:

Sniper perk fix (author: Koritama)
Some line of code contains "Luck" instead of "luck" - case sensivity made this line unused by perk. Now it works as intended.
4A6C4C 4C -> 6C

Feel free to give other hints on HEX editing which could be added to this post.
Thanks for posting this. I will definitely test these out. The music hacks in particular interest me. I hope they work, because I was sure disappointed when I found some awesome 'background' music for one of my maps only to have it stop playing with first NPC speech event.

Editing the Date and Time could be very cool too... I wonder, is there a hard coded limit to the amount of time you can play for in FOT ?? (IIRC Fallout had a 13 game years limit?)
I tried to make some changes to the start year (2197) without success using:

2ADB47 ?? ?? (year?)
42CB9C ?? ?? (year?)

Can it be somewhere else? Have any more info on year hack possibility? And what about Month and day? I would like to set the year to 0009 - 9 of september. (year counter has been "restarted" in my mod...)
Also, seems like some of the random pink and blue colors still appear too after changes, I'll have some more details soon after checking this out more.
So that's how you modify the year in FOT i watched in guis in every file of FOT but didn't saw any year so i can change it.Anyways i want my mod to be set at year 2281.
Thanks again TwoEyedYum for your post! That brings us closer to cracking BOS.exe all the way we want it!! I can say that music/sounds blocked/paused works perfectly, and TAGNAME too. My mod is more stable with the tagname since then. Thanks! Please post any other findings you come across!! That will help everybody a lot!
"I can say that music/sounds blocked/paused works perfectly"

It already stops playing the music when the speech window appears, we want the music to keep playing... or are you saying that ???

"... and TAGNAME too. My mod is more stable with the tagname since then."

can you tell me more about the triggers you are using and how this helped you, player tagnames is my favorite wish list and want learn more about it...
I am not 100% sure but I think my TAGNAME works now BECAUSE of the crack.

First thing I did was to create myself a very usefull little starting map that only serve to initialise my CVars, giving my char -1000 reputation (my mod start like this), give the char a TAGNAME from a generic spawn, and then redirect the player to any other map of my choice containing this time a blank spawn point. That prooved VERY usefull as I can just change a trigger to have a different start mission for test purposes. Also, I can leave all the other spawn points in the entire mod blank. I found out that as soon as two identical TAGNAME are at the same place, I mean on the ground (including a spawnpoint) everything stop working! So, as soon as you give a player a tagname using a spawn point, you must exit the map... So, in my mod, I realised with this method that only my main char will ever get the tagname "player", but I can move around anywhere, exit the first map, go to a random map and come back, the TAGNAME of the main char will still be there. I like it that way cause I will be able to control other squad members using other tags. Only problematic if you use an elevator maybe.

I think the only thing cracking the BOS.exe do is to prevent a spawning point with a blank TAGNAME (no TAGNAME) to erease all actors TAGNAME that appear with it, wich is exactly what is needed. More tests to do on my side, but for now, It works!!
As for the music, I added all the music/pause thing cracks. I didn't test the impact on the main menu with attention yet, but it works for the dialogues/speech. The music comming from sound zones just continue to play like notting happened. As I play long 5-6 minutes long soundtracks, I hate when it starts over at the beginning so This way it just continue playing.

**** OK YESS I tested it again with the three cracks and only the dialogue box show without stopping or pausing the music (sound zone music) Briefing and World text stops the sound zones music drastically without fadeout and start them back from beginning after the text is shown.
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Resolution patch changes in the BOS.exe:


  • HD Patch.png
    HD Patch.png
    28.9 KB · Views: 2,726
Resolution patch change? what does it do, does it let game display splash screens that are greater than 800x600?

It would be cool also if tactics had support for PNG splash screens, it only uses Jpeg.
I have the resolution patch installed and I often changed the splash screens, videos and interface. Main Pipboy UI (ingame) can be enlarged to fill the whole screen, but any other changes to the interface (bigger screens) create a lot of problems or just don't work. Videos and Splash screens, for example, just crop any part of more than 800x600. The best I found was to use very dark 800x600 .jpg or add round corners/effect like in the original game. Even .jpg saved with Photoshop create problems on my computer (windows 8). I always open the files in paint and overwrite them, and then it works.

Looks like Mash (author of the resolution patch) hasn't been active for a long time. Are the hex changes you posted compatible with all exe versions, specifically the updated version you have available on Moddb? In other words, will the changes you posted here make any bos.exe compatible with Mash's resolution patch?
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Looks like Mash (author of the resolution patch) hasn't been active for a long time. Are the hex changes you posted compatible with all exe versions, specifically the updated version you have available on Moddb? In other words, will the changes you posted here make any bos.exe compatible with Mash's resolution patch?
Yes, all bos.exe versions should be compatible with this patch.

I'll be posting the FT Tools resolution patch hex changes soon.
No list exists anywhere. I even sent a message to Bethesda begging them to send any documentation they might have on this, but no anwser of course. The only "list" that exists is what TwoEyedYum sent on this tread a while ago. I just don't know at all how he managed to get that on the first place...