Vault 15 Guard Fix


Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Vault 15 was intended by Black Isle to be a very tough fight for your character. However, many of the guards in the vault are bugged so that they cannot use their weapon, and as a result the area is way too easy. The Restoration Project does not fix this, so I decided to do it myself.

This fix is intended to be used with the Restoration project v2.3.3 or later. It might work on an unmodded version of the game or just Killap's Unofficial Patch, but I take no responsibility for what happens if you try.

The "Vanilla" screenshot illustrates the bug which plagues most of the guards on Level 1 and a few on Level 2. This guard has a stack of ammo in her second active slot, which means the game will try to make her wield it as a weapon. This will not work, and as a result this guard is stuck with a 0 damage punching attack and unable to use her SMG, making her a sitting duck. Furthermore, when you loot her corpse the wielded stack of ammo will appear separate to the others, and will not stack with them.

The "Fixed" screenshot shows what I have done to fix this problem. The wielded ammo has been removed and the SMG has been put in the proper slot. This guard is now dangerous.

The "Fixed++" screenshot shows what happens if you use the map file in the Fixed++ folder instead of the regular one. If you use this version, guards that have grenades or AP ammo will now have them equipped by default (note that the SMG is loaded with AP ammo and the guard is wielding one of her grenades). This is the recommended choice if you have installed Fallout 2: Weapons Redone or a similar combat overhaul, and want to make sure that Vault 15 really hates you and wants you to die. If you only have the Restoration Project installed or don't want as much challenge, use the regular Fixed folder instead.

To install the mod, copy the Vault15 map file in either the Fixed or Fixed++ folder, and put it in your Data\Maps folder. Back up the one that is there first, so you can restore it if something goes wrong!

You can use this fix with existing savegames, as long as you have not yet entered Vault 15. If you have, installing the fix is not recommended.
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Strange, but I don't remember any issues like that with the original Vault 15.
Vault 15 is indeed too easy in RP. I actually addressed this in my mod in somewhat similar way - more enemies, AP ammo, etc.
Good thinking Magnus. will definitely be using this.
Would you consider doing a "fixed" version for the whole game? or is that too much work?
Good thinking Magnus. will definitely be using this.
Would you consider doing a "fixed" version for the whole game? or is that too much work?
Most of the game is functionally all right, it's just Vault 15 that has the broken ammo-wielding enemies, so I prioritized fixing that.

I may have a look at the mobsters in New Reno, Bishop's Raiders and the slavers in NCR, and make sure that those who carry FMJ or AP ammo actually have it loaded in their weapons (the weapon will be loaded with JHP by default, and most often the designers did not bother to swap it out).

I am hesitant to place out more enemies or give them better equipment, I think it's enough to just rearrange the stuff they have. Testing the Fixed++ version showed me that level 2 and 3 of the Vault have now turned into a nightmare because of all the grenades that are flying your way, so I think this is the way to do it.
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Looks pretty good. I'll definitely try this out. :cool: Why do they have ammo in the active slot to begin with?
Looks pretty good. I'll definitely try this out. :cool: Why do they have ammo in the active slot to begin with?
I honestly don't know. I assume that someone thought enemies handle items the same way the player does, but they really don't (they only have one "equipped" item at any time, and that's the item in their 2nd slot. The one in the 1st slot is technically a part of their inventory).

It's not only ammo that this happens with, one of the guards has been given a Psycho to wield and a Power Fist in the 1st slot (so the Fist is part of his inventory). This would make sense for the player to do (only costs 2AP to use items in the active slot), but enemies will still need to spend 4AP to equip the Fist after they've used the Psycho, so I decided to put the Psycho in his first slot and the Power Fist in his number two... oh god...

Anyway, I think the reason why wielding ammo messes them up so bad is that they'll try to Use it, but unlike drugs it won't go away afterwards, and they aren't smart enough to swap it for their weapons.
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Didn't the people that wear the green armor (forget what they're called, thieves or something like that) that you encounter inside the caves in random encounters have that issue, too? The ones equipped with power fists, usually. Maybe that was actually fixed, I don't remember. I'll have to pay attention to that the next time I encounter them, but I do remember that a while back.
Uhhh, so please don't kill me, but that map I uploaded here? Seems like, if you install it, enter the map and then exit, it will crash the game. I tested out just opening and saving a default map from the RP with the mapper, entered it ingame and it always crashes when I leave it.

Does anyone know what's going on here? It seems my mapper is doing something incorrectly when it saves the map file. I have the High Resolution Patch and the City Limit patch installed on it.
I didn't install it yet, so I'm assuming I better hold off on it then?
Yeah, it seems my mapper isn't cooperating (or I'm just using it wrong). The maps in the file I posted will not work. Or, they will, but they will crash your game when you leave them. I've posted a thread about this, hopefully someone will know what to do. I'll keep experimenting.

EDIT: Naaaailed it! Here is a version that actually works (tested and double tested):

In this version I've also corrected something that always bugged me: Phil (the guard outside the vault) says that he should "shoot you dead" when you meet him, but he isn't actually carrying any gun! His colleague on the other hand, has both a sniper rifle and a shotgun. I've taken the sniper rifle away from her and given it to Phil, and he is quite lethal with it.

Why the hell can't we edit our old posts anymore?! Have the admins gone insane?
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I don't know if this was the case with the original team or with other modders, but I would place items in critter's hands to keep them from getting stolen.
Heh, it reminds me of what I did in the Mapper back then: putting the critters' weapon in the not-currently active item slot.
Heh, it reminds me of what I did in the Mapper back then: putting the critters' weapon in the not-currently active item slot.
That's fine, as long as you don't put anything that's not a weapon or a drug in their active one. It really confuses them.
@Magnus I remember one day playing FO2 and had a battle in Vault 15, one of the Khan guards tried to use frickin' money!… Crazy guy, just like the goons secretly working for Bishop.
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I've updated the first post so that the link isn't broken anymore. I really should see about uploading these files to the Media section of NMA, instead of just having them out in the ether like this.
Has this fix been implemented in the new RPU?

I think it should become a part of RPU.


Seems like Burn has already address this in UPU.
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