Weapon animation mod?


First time out of the vault

Was/is there a project like "adding missing weapon animation"? For example: big guns like m60 or bozar uses flamer animation and has no custom made animations.

Searched the download section, nothing.

Searched the forum, nothing.

P.S. I do understand that a mod like this would be a time consuming festival, but it would be a great atmosphere enchanter for F2...especially in these moments when you have bought a badass weapon and it is still a flamer.
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I wonder if you could just take existing flamer animation and photoshop the flamer to look like that instead of making all new animation, then just rename the animation so it doesn't override the flamer version? Probably would be a major pain in the arse to do it, though.

Was/is there a project like "adding missing weapon animation"? For example: big guns like m60 or bozar uses flamer animation and has no custom made animations.

Searched the download section, nothing.

Searched the forum, nothing.

P.S. I do understand that a mod like this would be a time consuming festival, but it would be a great atmosphere enchanter for F2...especially in these moments when you have bought a badass weapon and it is still a flamer.

Colossal undertaking no matter which way you look at it. But it would be nice. I think however that the worst offenders are the HK G11s. No way should they look like Uzis.

It's possible though, with enough dedication. Our very own Josan12 here has made a couple of outstanding ones for the Sniper Rifle and Wakizashi, albeit only for the player character and those who share that animation set.
I think this wouldn't be that hard to do. Sure it would be a little time consuming, but the results would look great.
There is only a limited amount of different weapon graphics that can be done. So even if you could make 100 different weapon sets, you can't get them into the game as far as my knowledge goes.
I tried to make a G11 animation made from _HMMAXXJA.frm, took me about 2 hours and it still needs some minor editing, but here is a result so far:

Didn't that actually have a guitar at one point? I seem to remember something like that from a long time ago.