Theoretical Future Isometric Fallout Engine Discussion


The Swiftness of the Ranger
Okay, so am I right in the assumption that any theoretical new isometric Obsidian Fallout spinoffs, when they happen, will run on the Unity engine?

Wasteland 2 was on it. Pillars of Eternity was on it. There's not really much room for speculation, unless they decide to use... whatever Van Buren was gonna use.

I've heard bad things about Unity. What's up with it? I've been fine with games with it so far. I'm actually curious. I've run into a few bugs in Wasteland 2 but they don't seem engine related.

Fun Fact: Fallout Shelter was also on the Unity. What can't you make with that engine? Sheesh.
Fighting games. [Beat-em-ups]

(Well... not actually impossible, but not at all easy to do well.)

InXile switched to Unreal ~for some reason. It would not shock me if Obsidian did the same.
Unity is a good engine and probably a good choice for a new isometric RPG.
It's really versatile, stable and affordable. There's a reason it's in every second indie game. I guess you could also use CryEngine 3.5 or the newest Unreal Engine, but really, it's not necessary.
Besides the game mechanics it's mostly in the artwork, really. Personally, I really like that pixely-but-super-detailed-look of the old Commandos games. Pillars of Eternity also kind of looks like that. I'd love to see a Fallout game in that style...
What kind of an isometric game would we want for that kind of Fallout anyway? Modern XCOM or Divinity Original Sin style? The classic artwork style as in Pillars of Eternity?

I also found this on Reddit, which sorts of make me question the line between more artwork based games like Baldur's Gate and more model-rendering based games like Wasteland 2.
Just lol if you think Bethesda will let Obsidian use anything but the F4 engine
Just lol if you think Bethesda will let Obsidian use anything but the F4 engine

I say if they make enough money from the AAA side of the business and get wealthy enough, there's nothing implausible about them pulling off a numbered Fallout, a spin-off on the same engine with better writing ala New Vegas, AND an isometric spin-off. Believe it or not, Bethesda does want to please everyone. Sure, it's for the money, but once they have the time and resources, the wishes of the majority of this site is a gold mine to them.

It might not be that way for now, but if they profit enough, they're definitely going to look into some spin-offs. Isometric turn-based games are making a comeback, both in the indie market and to a lesser extent the AAA market, and from a business standpoint you would have to be insane not to cash in on that when possible.
Unity is a great engine. I plan to assemble a team and build a sequel to Fallout 2 using that engine.
NMA needs to help start out with a Kickstarter where we all help pitch in money or something! Yeah the idea of something like a true sequel to the real Fallouts sounds like a pipe dream but one could..well...dream.
In realty, making video games is about sacrifice dreams. Too many ideas, so little could be done. NMA chooses the Dead Money. We thought there's a chance to begin again, but you have to let go.
In realty, making video games is about sacrifice dreams. Too many ideas, so little could be done. NMA chooses the Dead Money. We thought there's a chance to begin again, but you have to let go.

Dead Money was okay. Boring linear map but great characters and writing.
It look way better than the FPS and Over the shoulder point of view. The camera is a bit too close for any environmental awareness, but it look good, you wouldn't even realize it came from a game developed on Gamebryo.
Unity is a good engine and probably a good choice for a new isometric RPG.
It's really versatile, stable and affordable. There's a reason it's in every second indie game. I guess you could also use CryEngine 3.5 or the newest Unreal Engine, but really, it's not necessary.
Besides the game mechanics it's mostly in the artwork, really. Personally, I really like that pixely-but-super-detailed-look of the old Commandos games. Pillars of Eternity also kind of looks like that. I'd love to see a Fallout game in that style...

I always loved you germans. You always have great ideas and your opinions are usually spot on. (Hopefully I don't sound like a fanboi here) Yes the Unity Engine is indeed one of the most affordable engines and very good for the first time developer. It was created for that. CryEngine 3 is very powerful though because you are able to create open world with no loading screens, it is also more technical though and more for experienced developers, programmers and designers. I no longer develop pc games anymore though. My time has passed. Instead I do modifications now on nexus.
I'm pretty sure someone's already said this but I'm going to say it anyway, if we're talking about a theoretical game, fallout story progression with ja2 gameplay. Nuff said.