The number of quests in Fallout 4 vs. New Vegas and Skyrim

Irwin John Finster

Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Someone has done comparisons of the number of quests in these games. I would say the results are shocking but after playing Fallout 4 it's not - they clearly show that Fallout 4 has very limited number of actual quests in the game.

What a miserable lack of effort put into this game. It really is like they just don't give a sh*t. I just cannot come to terms with how little quest content is actually in this game compared to their own previous game (Skyrim) and New Vegas (which blows Fallout 4 out of the water with the number of original quests in the game).

You mean this one? Yeah, it is a fucking disgrace. Especially considering Obsidian only had a year to make their game, whereas Bethesda had 7 to make their's. On top of that, people seem to forget that Bethesda didn't even need to announce FO4 yet. No one knew a single thing about Fo4, there were no leaks, no release dates, nothing. Only hoaxes and peoples' hopes. They could have kept working on it for a couple more years, but no, gotta get that money. Greedy bastards. Let's also not forget that while it looks like FO4 at least has a lot more quests than FO3, most of those are shitty radiant quests that can be repeated over and over until the end of time.

Let's also not forget New Vegas had quests with tons of outcomes and ways to complete it, such as this one:


And this chart isn't even including its sister quest, "Pheeble Will", which adds even more choices and consequences to "Beyond the Beef". It also leaves out the fact you can seduce Carlyle into following you if you have the Black Widow or Confirmed Bachelor perks. It also leaves out the Medicine check with Phillipe you can use for some hilarious dialogue and which also convinces him to leave the room. Isn't that amazing? Even this huge chart doesn't cover all the detail involved with this one single quest!
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You mean this one? Yeah, it is a fucking disgrace. Especially considering Obsidian only had a year to make their game, whereas Bethesda had 7 to make their's. On top of that, people seem to forget that Bethesda didn't even need to announce FO4 yet. No one knew a single thing about Fo4, there were no leaks, no release dates, nothing. Only hoaxes and peoples' hopes. They could have kept working on it for a couple more years, but no, gotta get that money. Greedy bastards. Let's also not forget that while it looks like FO4 at least has a lot more quests than FO3, most of those are shitty radiant quests that can be repeated over and over until the end of time.

Let's also not forget New Vegas had quests with tons of outcomes and ways to complete it, such as this one:


And this chart isn't even including its sister quest, "Pheeble Will", which adds even more choices and consequences to "Beyond the Beef". It also leaves out the fact you can seduce Carlyle into following you if you have the Black Widow or Confirmed Bachelor perks. It also leaves out the Medicine check with Phillipe you can use for some hilarious dialogue and which also convinces him to leave the room. Isn't that amazing? Even this huge chart doesn't cover all the detail involved with this one single quest!
Carlyle can also be persuaded into simply walking over to the Ultralux if you have high speech. Or pistolwhip him if you have high guns. So many choices it boggles the mind.
I've said this before on another site, but I don't think it's fair to compare the amount of quests from one series to the other. Some may disagree with me and that's fine.
What is fair, is to compare both the quantity and quality of quests with previous games in the series.
And as someone mentioned before, F4 hasn't nearly got the quantity or quality that New Vegas has.

Now that's disgusting.
Also, this is just starting to prove my point that Bethesda only sees the Fallout IP as a Tech Demo for their Elder Scrolls IP. It's no wonder why their Elder Scrolls games turn out better than their Fallout ones.
Well... Diamond City Blues is fairly good quest by F4's low standarts with some outcomes later.