Questions about Fallout 1


First time out of the vault
I've played (and beaten) Fallout 2, and I loved every minute of it. Put a touch over 200 hours in it over a couple of playthroughs. I picked up Fallout a while back on sale, and really want to play it. However, there are things I'm not entirely sure about, and would like to figure out before starting a playthrough.

Firstly, I've heard there is a time limit to finish the main quest, and that the game will end if you don't hurry. How long do I get, and does it limit the amount of exploration I can do by much? Also, can the game be continued after the end of the main quest?

Secondly, any tips before heading into Fallout 1? Nothing gamey and difficulty breaking, like finding a suit of power armor and a plasma rifle within 5 minutes, but just helpful hints that might not carry over from Fallout 2?
The limit is 150 days if I remember correctly, but after doing everything and goofing around I tend to finish said quest with 50 days remaining. Besides that's halfway point so you can return to anything you've left unfinished.

Speaking about advice - Speech and Energy Weapons are your friends.
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Okay first of all, wrong forum, but you're new so eh...
Anyway, you get 150 days, but you can extent this by another 100 (but you have even less on the second invisible time limit).
Also, advice? Focus on about three or four skills that mesh nicely with each other. Talk to everyone in the Wastes (especially in the BoS Bunker).
Try and get all the Followers, but if you're going to sneak into the Cathedral with a disguise, dismiss them all and kill Dogmeat.

Also, try and do every quest you want to do in the Town you're in, you don't want to be traveling too much because it wastes time.
I would reccomend you get the Fallout Fixit patch. The base game leaves out an NPC near the end, meaning that one of the possible endings is impossible to achieve. It didn't take away much from the base-game, but it's kinda silly supposing that the ending that nobody ever achieved turned out to be the canonical one.
Hi, welcome to NMA. Nice to hear that you had fun with Fallout 2, and that you are about to discover Fallout 1.

To answer your questions :
Fallout 1's quest is indeed limited in time. If you fail to find the artifact (I try not to spoil anything for you, so sorry if I'm a bit vague) in a given time, it's game over. However, it's possible to find people to help you and extend the time limit to 100 more days, if I remember correctly.
However, the game is divided in different acts. Only the first one is limited in time, the second act has no time limit, and you're free to roam as long as you want.

For advices :
-Boost the repair skill pretty soon. It's useless for a long time, but it will come very handy during the last act of the game. Speech is also important, and you'll be glad to have boosted energy weapons at the end of the story too.
-Fallout 2 put emphasis on the melee combat, but Fallout 1 is more oriented for ranged weapons. You start with a gun. So I'd suggest to boost the small weapons skills rather than the melee ones.
-Endurance is very, very important during a major quest, so I'd suggest to not lower it under 5.
-You can't configure your companion's behaviour/inventory like in Fallout 2, so be careful. One of your first companions has a tendency of hitting you when he has an automatic weapon, so be careful with him.
-Save often. The beginning is hard.
-Ropes are important.
-Save before the glow. I know it's vague, but you'll understand in due time ^^
-Prepare for a shock when you'll come to the very last scenes. They are... strong.

Have fun!
As two other people already mentioned, I recommend Fallout Fixt, as it can fix certain bugs and restore some uncut content in the game.
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I tried using Fixt, but I can't get it to work with my copy(s) of Fallout.
Note. They are the physical copies.
I tried using Fixt, but I can't get it to work with my copy(s) of Fallout.
Note. They are the physical copies.
Yes, there's also that. If you have a steam/gog copy, it should be fine, otherwise, Fixt may not work.
Sorry about using the wrong forum section. Couldn't decide which was the correct one, so just went with this one. Will definitely use the Fallout Fixit patch, as bugs are (almost) never fun. Will keep speech and energy weapons in mind, as that's how I played Fallout 2, and will take the advice on repair. Thanks for the tip about rope, Mithrap, as I have a tendency to sell things like that for some early cash. As for saving, I'm more than familiar with that; it only takes one unlucky crit to suddenly have the top half of your body blown away, regardless of which Fallout you are playing.
Sorry about using the wrong forum section. Couldn't decide which was the correct one, so just went with this one. Will definitely use the Fallout Fixit patch, as bugs are (almost) never fun. Will keep speech and energy weapons in mind, as that's how I played Fallout 2, and will take the advice on repair. Thanks for the tip about rope, Mithrap, as I have a tendency to sell things like that for some early cash. As for saving, I'm more than familiar with that; it only takes one unlucky crit to suddenly have the top half of your body blown away, regardless of which Fallout you are playing.
No problem. You'll need a rope pretty early if I remember correctly so if you have trouble finding one, don't hesitate to ask.
Many of the endings for Fallout 1 are broken. I unfortunately learned this when I played through the entire game without the fixit patch. You should definitely get the fixit patch before you play if only because it fixes broken endings. (many of them are the best endings)

I'll also add, learn from my mistake, don't go Small Guns. Go Large Guns. If you go Small Guns you're going to be completely screwed unless you can find the super rare Red LR Ryder BB Gun in a special encounter. If you can get that gun, then small guns is absolutely worth it, but otherwise, just go Big Guns. You'll start off kinda weak since there aren't many big guns in the beginning, but trust me when I say it's worth it later on.
Many of the endings for Fallout 1 are broken. I unfortunately learned this when I played through the entire game without the fixit patch. You should definitely get the fixit patch before you play if only because it fixes broken endings. (many of them are the best endings)

I'll also add, learn from my mistake, don't go Small Guns. Go Large Guns. If you go Small Guns you're going to be completely screwed unless you can find the super rare Red LR Ryder BB Gun in a special encounter. If you can get that gun, then small guns is absolutely worth it, but otherwise, just go Big Guns. You'll start off kinda weak since there aren't many big guns in the beginning, but trust me when I say it's worth it later on.
Hm, that depends. I remember that the beginning is insanely hard if you don't have a good starting score in small guns. I usually boost the big guns when I have a decent, comfortable situation only.
But yes, big guns and/or energy guns are essential for the second act of the story.
I'd suggest tagging HtH skill at the beginning.
Warning, huge meta-gaming spoiler ahead, including hard-to-find early game long arm:
My favourite skill is Melee, since there's slight bonus to critical hits with any melee weapon in Fallout. Also, unarmed combat is much less sophisticated than in Fallout 2, which makes early game melee weapons stronger in comparison. As for the long range combat, there's hunting rifle with a lots of ammo hidden in second/third location you'll visit with level 2 character, and you don't need to have high small arms skill to use it sufficiently. On top of that there's a couple of Guns and Bullets skillbooks scattered across many places, so you'll raise your small arms skill to decent levels in no time. And most importantly, you can get really impressive hammer in Hub, which makes your melee specialist really overpowered at level six with Bonus HtH Attacks perk.
This way you have one combat skill tagged from start, and plenty of time for raising big guns or energy weapons later.
(Talent! perk helps a lot.)