One of my favourite games from the last couple of years. It's not perfect, but it has strong design that very much appeals to me personally. I think it's the only game on Steam where I have all achievements and specifically went achievement hunting because most achievements represent different story paths/endings and I wanted to see everything on offer.
Performance and graphics are not ideal. I've had some technical problems, but nothing that broke quests or anything. Mostly odd graphics problems that could be fixed by restarting or the occasional crash. But that's also rather unimportant in my opinion, considering what the game has on offer. Sort of like with Fallout 2. Technical problems are annoying, but never stopped me coming back even for a second.
The game is not that difficult once you understand what's going on in the systems, or at least can be made relatively easy by placing your skills right.
Some general tips if you want to try it out:
- Don't skimp on learning the ropes. Do the tutorial, read the help menu etc.
- Save up skill points. Don't place them until you need them. This is especially useful in combination with the next point:
- Save and reload a lot to see what options are available to you. Almost every single quest in the main questlines has branching points, options for betrayal etc. Make hard saves when you enter/leave major cities and feel free to set the number of quick/auto save slots higher than the default of 3.
- For different playthroughs, I recommend starting by completing the game as a pure talker with no combat skills or physical attributes, following the Merchant questline (aka easy mode). This gives you a good general overview of the game without any challenging combat. Then try a pure fighter with focus on combat and crafting/alchemy, following the Imperial Guard questline, to get a grip on the combat. After that, you should have enough of a grasp of how the everything works to try your hand at hybrid characters.
- For combat skills, focus on one offensive and one defensive combat skill. Never take both dodge and block. Critical strike is useful, but not necessary if you've other skills to focus on.
- For non-combat skills, persuasion and streetwise are the bread and butter of talkers, along with impersonate and maybe trading. Lore is very good and opens up locations otherwise inaccessible. Crafting also has many non-combat uses in combination with lore.
- For your very first playthrough, I'd recommend going through completely without guides/spoilers if you can. However, once you've completed the game in one way or another, don't be afraid to use google to check out some of the things you couldn't figure out (e.g. how to get into the Tower Of Zamedi or The Abyss)
- Look in every nook and cranny of each map. There's a few things that are unfortunately rather easy to miss, even with highlighting of interactable objects turned on. And unfortunately NPCs don't have indicators for when you can talk to them.
Hmm... Maybe I should post this as a review on Steam too.