Best hobbies to pick up for the apocalypse?

Operation Wignut

USSDF Riot Squad
I've been thinking about picking up something to do, in between studying and working, because I feel like I should have SOME amount of productivity in my life, aside from complaining on the internet. So, with the collapse of society imminent, what skills and hobbies should I learn for optimum survival chances in the Wastes?
I assume if there is a nuclear holocaust, the standards would be lowered for who you have sexual relations with... wouldn't towns be just big orgies?
Not necessarily. Just because a big catastrophe happens, doesn't mean people suddenly change there entire personality and sensibilities. I doubt people would act in ways they wouldn't before, unless out of necessity.
Settlement building.... im joking but engineering of some sort. You can get a lot of bottlecaps too.
First aid & medicine.
Any crafting profession (from lathes to carpentry to soap making).
Agriculture & land management.
Natural water filtration.
Firearms handling.
No skills needed, just buy an exosuit before the shit, this is reality :cry:.

On a more serious note, skills for the end days? Well that depends, what kind of end?

I mean, if nuclear bombs are going to kill us, then you better start digging a bunker and stocking on food and water cause no skill will save you from a giant explosion. :nuclear:

If the economy collapses and riots start breaking out all over, then learn how to handle basic weaponry such as guns, knives, throwing stuff etc. You also should learn how to AVOID conflict as much as possible because people are gonna be on edge and they wont take any bullshit from some stranger.
Having any sort medicinal or "survival" knowledge will go a long way to keeping you (and maybe others, for the good karma) alive, especially if you prepared.

Anyway, I believe its better to try our best to PREVENT the apocalypse. Chances are most of us wont survive it so why not just make an effort and stop it?
I recommend the zeitgeist movies, they have an extremely real view on how the economy has been killing us for years and how it will be our doom. Of course, they also tell us how to prevent it and how to make a Utopia (and not in the brainwash-religious sort of way, like seriously, THEY HAVE A POINT).
Anyway, I believe its better to try our best to PREVENT the apocalypse. Chances are most of us wont survive it so why not just make an effort and stop it?
Pray for the best, prepare for the worst. I´m not one to do that survival stuff(too lazy), but I can completely understand.
Small guns, sneak, lockpick, metal working, carpentry, car mechanics and maybe get a donkey or some shit to carry your shit for when there are no cars around.

Better work on your social skills as well, because if at all possible, like some have already mentioned, you just want to avoid violent conflict at all.
IMO, Low tech skills are where it's at. Learn to build a simple snare, set a trap and catch small game. Then how to tell if it's diseased or not (safe to eat) and how to dress and butcher the carcass. How to tan the skin without store-bought chemicals. How to weave and braid. What plants are edible in your region, what plants make medicine, what the growing season is. First aid skills are invaluable. Know how to do stuff "from scratch," Stone Age skills are where it's at.

HAM radio and Morse code could be useful. Electronics are not as suceptible to EMP bursts as the media leads us to believe. Most cars will still work fine, the trouble is there will be no supply line for guzzoline, no electricity or running water presumably. Water is imperative in any environment; have a plan for getting or keeping some. Know your local waterways; if you have to move out you can avoid roads.

And seriously, any hands-on skill could be useful. Carpentry (especially with hand tools), masonry, cooking, sewing, welding, how to drive a motorcycle or 18-wheeler, beekeeping, how to build and operate a still, linework...just being in decent physical shape when the Apocalypse comes will give you a huge advantage over like 90% of the population. has threads and threads and forums and forums for just this sort of discussion. If you pop on by, I'm RosieTheRiveter over there, local Chapter 34.