Chris Avellone and his Prey.

From everything revealed so far, Prey and We Happy Few were the two things that got me genuinely interested, and that's before I even found out MCA was involved in Prey. I don't even remember the last time I was excited for something from E3 so I'm feeling kinda good right now.
I recently played the original Prey. While I definitely liked some of the gameplay elements such as the paths that allow for wall and ceiling travel, the changing gravity, and the portals, I found other parts rather boring after a while to be honest.

Now this game doesn't look bad (I do think it is overdoing it with the dramatic bit, and why so much focus on checking out a weapon?), I think this game should have been given a title of its own instead of using a title of a game/canceled series the developers already admit that their creation will use nothing from.
I'm kinda interested to be honest. However I do wish they stuck with the bounty hunter concept, instead of doing the clichè "person stuck in space with a alien" idea. Chris Avellone working on it does give me hope that it will have at least some decent writing in it.
I'm kinda interested to be honest. However I do wish they stuck with the bounty hunter concept, instead of doing the clichè "person stuck in space with a alien" idea. Chris Avellone working on it does give me hope that it will have at least some decent writing in it.

Indeed, I recently saw a trailer of the canceled Prey 2 and when I saw the bounty hunter gameplay in action I thought that that looked pretty cool. This was something I would be willing to give a try, doing mission in a large alien city that offers a lot of freedom.

The new Prey, I can not help make comparisons to titles like System Shock, Dead Space, and the recent Alien Isolation. It might turn out well but we have seen this plot already so many times.
I am pretty sure one of the plotlines will be that the hostiles are either created by an evil/amoral corporation, or an evil/amoral corporations wants to get their hands on them for their bioweapon division.
its definitely bioshock inspired

Prey: A BioPunk Sci-fi survivalist horror game

Also new detaiol

Prey at QuakeCon 2016 – First Gameplay and New Trailer
You find yourself aboard Talos I, a state-of-the-art R&D facility orbiting Earth, and you’re immediately thrown into a world of danger after an alien lifeform (known as Typhon) breaks containment. It’s up to you to combat the threat that has taken over the space station using your wits and any of the unique weapons and tools you find onboard the station, along with a host of mysterious abilities. This is Prey, Arkane Studios’ bold reimaging of the franchise.

Set in an alternate future, Prey puts you into the uniform of Morgan Yu, the subject of morally dubious experiments designed to grant you alien powers. At QuakeCon 2016, Arkane’s Co-creative Director Raphael Colantonio and Lead Designer Ricardo Bare delivered a first look at Prey’s gameplay, followed by the worldwide premiere of the first official gameplay trailer, which you can watch right now.

In addition to the gameplay trailer, Colantonio and Bare also showed off an extensive gameplay demo. While the gameplay presentation was revealed behind closed doors exclusively to QuakeCon attendees, we’ve got the full rundown of what was shown, including new insights into how Prey plays.

The Threat in Space
Typhon are roaming the halls of Talos I, hunting down the remaining humans. How you choose to deal with these creatures is up to you. You can take a stealthier route, finding secret paths around the station while using your tools and abilities to avoid confrontation. The station itself is a completely contiguous world. The entirety of Talos I is open to you immediately… provided you can find a way to get there.

Whatever path you forge, you’ll face different dangers at every turn. One of the keys to survival are the neuromods you’ll find scattered around the station, as they allow you to enhance yourself with alien-based powers.

Each type of Typhon you encounter will require a different approach, as they have vastly different powers. The Mimics can camouflage themselves to look like ordinary objects in the environment. With their inherent aptitude for catching you completely off-guard, these aliens can be more deadly than their diminutive size might suggest. You’ll have to keep an eye out for duplicate objects around you: you never know if that office chair or garbage can is a Mimic just waiting to spring into action.

Phantoms, on the other hand, are much larger than the Mimics, though not nearly as big as the Nightmare. They appear humanoid – if humans were crafted from shadow. The fight we saw in the gameplay demo revealed the Phantom’s peculiar mode of locomotion, as they seem to almost teleport from one location to another, rather than running or walking. One moment a Phantom could be right in front of you, the next it will be at your back.


Know Thy Enemy
You don’t just destroy the Typhon. You also learn from your mysterious foes. Studying them allows you to take on their powers with the help of neuromods. From the Mimics you can learn how to transform, useful for stealth and puzzle-solving. In the demo, we saw Morgan transform himself into a coffee cup in order to slip through a small opening and enter a room he otherwise would not have been able to access. Later, Morgan became a round Recycler Charge – a special grenade that turns the matter around it (including certain enemies) into craftable resources – and rolled past some hostile Operator bots.

In signature Arkane fashion, you can chain your abilities. After transforming into the Recycler Charge in the demo, Morgan used the Kinetic Blast power to rocket into the air, reaching an elevated overhang while remaining undetected by the Operators. Kinetic Blast is another of Morgan’s alien powers, learned by studying one of the Phantoms’ methods of attack. It can also be used in combat to push away anything within range while dealing a chunk of damage.

At another point we also saw Morgan use an ability called Superthermal to create a fiery proximity trap and deal with a horde of Mimics.

The Tools at Your Disposal
Should you choose, you can limit your use of powers and instead focus on the wide variety of tools and weapons you’ll find on Talos I, some of which are repurposed pieces of maintenance equipment. Take the GLOO Cannon: this incredibly versatile tool shoots… well, glue, which instantly hardens, trapping foes where they stand, covering exposed flaming pipes and surging electrical boxes, or providing an interesting new path.

We saw both uses in the playthrough, as Morgan examined a group of Mimics trapped in the glue, before eliminating them with a silenced pistol found on the corpse of a fallen security guard. Later, he used the GLOO Cannon to form a makeshift ramp leading to a walkway above his head.

Prey also has a crafting system, allowing you to create items using resources you gain by breaking down items around the station. Along with weapons and ammo, you can build tools like the Artax Propulsion System at one of the many Fabricators on the station. In the demo, Morgan used this zero g propulsion device to explore the space outside the station. The Artax Propulsion System can be used to quickly access new areas of the station by bypassing the interior and heading straight for an airlock.


Even if you find a shortcut through space, you’ll need to be vigilant. Danger lurks around every corner, and the Typhon aren’t the only threat on Talos I. Along with weapons, powers, tools and your wits, a little healthy paranoia will be key to your survival.
This doesn't sound bad but again I do not see the reason to use the name of a completely different games for this unless their really for the Michael Creighton hook, the Typhon being a cloud of aggressive nano machines like in in his book "Prey"

If I am buying this it will be probably on discount, it sadly does not sound original enough to be worth the full price plus I really don't want to support Bethesda.
What a dilemma. I've heard amazing things about Dishonored, and with this there's Avellone in it, so I really want to support Arkane, but their games are literally published by Bethsoft, so I really, REALLY don't want to give them a dime...
I've owned the original Prey for years but never got around to play it.

I think this looks really good though, but I get that fans of the original aren't psyched that it's Prey in name only (all of us here have been there). Regardless of that, I love me some sci fi alien stuff, and with Avellone on board chances are the writing/lore will be good. I've also sworn never to buy a Bethesda game again, but that's Bethesda the developer, not the publisher. I loved Doom, I loved Dishonored, and this looks promising. Can't complain about Bethesda as a publisher.
Okay, perhaps a little absurd but I also found it rather amusing at the same time.
I might actually check this title when it comes out, still probably buy it when it is discounted. (again, I do not want to financially support Bethesda)
Published by Bethesda? Any word on the Prey Workshop DLC and Season Pass?
Bethesda deserves to go under.

LOL I was just reading about how Bethesda took Quake Live, a free-to-play game, and made it $10. Now this. Also they raised the prices of their old games. And so many other things.

Bethesda is the new EA, but there will still be people vomiting comments like "I truly believe they have the fans' best interest at heart guys really I'm totally not a shill!"

This game looked really cool too. Maybe Bethesda will turn it into a crafting game franchise as well.
Can't complain about Bethesda as a publisher.
Remember Quake Live? That game that was great and totally free for anyone to play for years? It costs $10 now. Guess the publisher.

Guess who raised the prices of games ahead of the Steam Sales?

The whole company is as bad or worse than EA now. I'm sure they're already working on the TES 6 Workshop Season Pass or the Prey 2 Workshop.
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Yeah, I take that back. There is a lot to complain about with Bethesda the publisher. But still, they have published some great games and have some interesting games coming out. And I will give the developers of those games the benefit of the doubt. Bethesda as a developer is however forever on my shit-list.
I personally like Bethesda published games, I loved dishonored, and doom is easily one of my top 5 games of the year.
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