The Worst Part of FO4


FO3 Fanboy
We have to wait another 7 years for another Fallout game.

and then get slapped in the face by Bethesda again goddammit Obsidian we need the true FO4
We have to wait another 7 years for another Fallout game.

and then get slapped in the face by Bethesda again goddammit Obsidian we need the true FO4
Well, FONV pretty much is the FO4 you need.
We just need to wait for inxile before they finished Van Buren so we can have the FO3 we need.
I personally believe inxile will be the one making fo3, since Brian Fargo do owned the right of Van Buren, but that just me.
That'd be like calling Fallout 1 (which was the spiritual successor to Wasteland 1 as far as I've heard) Wasteland 2. No need to confuse things. Van Buren may be a spiritual successor to Fallout but it is not Fallout and will not be Fallout cause as much as Fallout as it may turn out to be it simply can not use the same lore and I'd rather have a well developed game than a game with schmouls and schmower armor and schmFEV and schmaults.
We have to wait another 7 years for another Fallout game.

and then get slapped in the face by Bethesda again goddammit Obsidian we need the true FO4

Yeah, after Fo4 I'm perfectly fine waiting 7, 10, or even 100 years for another Fallout game. No need to rush to that disappointing end.
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Elder Maxson, Preston Gavney, probably...

Not to mention again the awful conversations and writtings.

To summarize, definitively the writtings as a whole.
and then get slapped in the face by Bethesda again goddammit Obsidian we need the true FO4

I qualify that any Obsidian-produced game has someone there to keep Avellone from writing how society should move on from the past and renuke itself along with other faux Nietzsche mumbo jumbo.

Oh, he's left Obsdian?

Well, then get him back!
The worst part of the damn thing is the Protagonist.

I hate his reaction to everything.

Female Sole Survivor is not much better.