Looks Ariamis-ish
I can't understand From's neccesity of showing most, if not all the bosses in trailers... The even showed some of the vanilla one stoo again (not without reason, i hope)
Hell, in the original trailer, part of the ending cutscene and final boss were shown. Here it is, anyway
Just don't watch the trailer
Dark souls : Narnia![]()
It is a cool trailer on Multiplayer, BUT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO SPOILER THE LATTER BOSSES and NPCs!!! The area spoilers were pretty discrete in the other hand
Just show coop against Vordt or something jeez
Well thing is that i find it mostly spoilerless but for that giant, Yhorm and Nameless King. And they weren't needed at alli told you, the dude is right. dont watch the trailer dlc mannn!
Edit: Git gud ya Saturn, lots of people have already beaten even namelss king. its been freaking 5 month dude ^^
The Narnia area was a little trope in DS before Frozen came. And if you are near 40% interested, do yourself a favour and don't watch the trailers, especially for DkS3I read that as Ashes of Arendale.
Dark Souls meets Frozen!