Supreme Shah Ismail
Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

So something I noticed while thinking about the Bioshock/System Shock series and Fallout and trends in sequels.
System shock 1-2/Fallout 1-2: OG games, a dizzying amount of depth in game play, writing and atmosphere. Incredibly influential games and RPG's. Generally speaking which ever is "best" is down to personal preference. I like System shock 2 A LOT more than 1 (its still good but aged really bad, heres hoping for a good re make) and I honestly cannot decide whether I like fallout 1 or 2 better.
Fallout 3/Bioshock: Basically a more watered down/consolized version of its predecessors. Generally considered good games (tho that's divisive among older fans..) but a step back from their predecessor and a bit of kick in the balls for anyone used to more in depth PC RPG's.. Borrows its narrative heavily from its predecessors too. Its still visibly a (Fallout/Shock) game, its in its DNA but its not nearly as good as it could have been.
Bioshock 2/New Vegas: An improvement over its predecessor in nearly every way. Some pretty dam good DLC and often over looked/disregarded by more hardcore fans of the predecessor (Bioshock/FO3)
FO4/Infinite: Incredibly divisive among fans because of story/watered down mechanics. Its been so diluted, watered down and consolized its hardly recognizable as (Fallout/Shock) game save for some mechanics/narrative elements that link it to its predecessors. Arguably fun on their own merit but a MASSIVE step back compared to the other games.
I know this isn't exactly a shocking discovery but I thought it was novel. At most we can discuss trends in both series (games in general too) and whether or not it will change for the better or worse.
System shock 1-2/Fallout 1-2: OG games, a dizzying amount of depth in game play, writing and atmosphere. Incredibly influential games and RPG's. Generally speaking which ever is "best" is down to personal preference. I like System shock 2 A LOT more than 1 (its still good but aged really bad, heres hoping for a good re make) and I honestly cannot decide whether I like fallout 1 or 2 better.
Fallout 3/Bioshock: Basically a more watered down/consolized version of its predecessors. Generally considered good games (tho that's divisive among older fans..) but a step back from their predecessor and a bit of kick in the balls for anyone used to more in depth PC RPG's.. Borrows its narrative heavily from its predecessors too. Its still visibly a (Fallout/Shock) game, its in its DNA but its not nearly as good as it could have been.
Bioshock 2/New Vegas: An improvement over its predecessor in nearly every way. Some pretty dam good DLC and often over looked/disregarded by more hardcore fans of the predecessor (Bioshock/FO3)
FO4/Infinite: Incredibly divisive among fans because of story/watered down mechanics. Its been so diluted, watered down and consolized its hardly recognizable as (Fallout/Shock) game save for some mechanics/narrative elements that link it to its predecessors. Arguably fun on their own merit but a MASSIVE step back compared to the other games.
I know this isn't exactly a shocking discovery but I thought it was novel. At most we can discuss trends in both series (games in general too) and whether or not it will change for the better or worse.