Questions on the Shi


Why doesnt NCR use the Shi for science and R&D. They are way more advanced than OSI and the Followers combined. Its canon that the Shi flourish. Even if they didn't want to work with NCR (even though they are in the Middle of California and everyone in California has to work with NCR) the NCR has deep pockets even by today's standards and could give them huge research budgets.

I mean, they can mass produce T-51b power armour and Vertibirds. The NCR heavy troops could use T-51b power armour, and the entire army could use Vertibirds (imagine the shock and awe). I mean, they could arm the entire NCR army with laser weapons and better combat armour. And imagine the advancements they will have made up to the 2080's. I dont even know, maybe new models of power armour or new vehicles/weapons. Combat robots to supplement troops on the front lines.
NCR would be a fucking killing machine, nobody could stop them.

I dont see why they couldn't solve the NCR food crisis and make a more efficient way of getting clean water. Vertibirds could be used as public transport, living standards would rocket.

My question is, why isnt this happening?
No they can't.

The NCR scavenged power armor from dead BoS and vertibirds from Enclave outposts. They already removed the 'power' part of the power armor and can only maintain the vertibirds, not make more of them. The Van Graffs and Gun Runners make laser weapons, but hold a monopoly on them and probably don't have the facilities to make them en masse. The Gun Runners have problems supplying the NCR with normal guns, much less laser rifles; and the NCR is sending troops east after four years of war without chest armor at times. The NCR is not much to behold and probably does not have deep pockets by today's standards, it is beset by corruption and monopolies in its economy as well.

The NCR is a growth on the dry husk of a corpse of California, not a flower out of the garden of the corpse of America, which itself didn't provide power armor to its whole army or laser weapons to its grunts (but it was trying to do the latter).

You have to have a huge workforce, a organized logistical structure, the knowhow to make, maintain, and use factories. Then you have to train the troops with the laser rifles and the power armor, meanwhile the NCR is sending troops off to the East after two weeks of training with only a rifle and a helmet. You have to maintain the weapons and armor as well. And then to add vertibirds and combat robots to that mix.... Stuff which rested with the Enclave and the BoS in some capacity, which the Chosen One blew up and which the NCR has kicked out to the wastes.

What you ask for is simply not within their capability, even with the Shi, who we have no clue for what they're doing by the time of NV. For all we know, the BoS hit them and destroyed their computer and the Shi are now just another community of the wasteland; or they could had holed themselves up against the NCR. The NCR has the OSI to begin with because its just starting to expand outside of agriculture and ranching into industry and science again, and they need to feed their people and keep them healthy - one big drive to the Dam to begin with was because the water could be sent back west.
Its canon that the Shi flourish.
Not necessarily. There is no canonical lore regarding the fate of the Shi.

In fact, in Fallout Van Buren, the devs actually had planned to make the canonical fate of the Shi that after the destruction of the Oil Rig, the remaining Enclave members at Navarro destroyed San Fransisco.
(even though they are in the Middle of California and everyone in California has to work with NCR)
Not has to. They can optionally sell there gear to the government, but have no obligation to.

The NCR has a free market. This means that the state can't force companies/organisations to work for the greater good. They have to sell there shit by there own choice.
I mean, they can mass produce T-51b power armour and Vertibirds
Not really.

Do we know where they get there Power Armour from?, I mean, whose to say they didn't scavenge it or something like that?

As for Vertibirds, if we give them the Vertibird plans, we know that they can now produce Vertibirds, but produce =/= mass produce. Given that they are fairly technologically advanced vehicles, and it took the Enclave a good while to invent them, perhaps they are still super rare, and produced in small numbers(We do know the NCR has access to a small Air Force, and a presidential vertibird humorously named "Bear Force One")
I think the Shi manage to repair and make usable scavenged Power Armor again, but I can't be sure because I don't think the game really tells us how they have access to the PA they sell.
As for Vertibirds, if we give them the Vertibird plans, we know that they can now produce Vertibirds, but produce =/= mass produce.
The game do tells us this though:
"With recent acquisition of vertibird plans, the possibility of creating a practical flying machine has taken a quantum leap forward. We expect to have a working prototype by the end of the year, and the ability to mass-produce such vehicles within two years." -Dr. Wong
Well, if you add T, which is what Todd Howard starts with, to Shi, you get the word that best describes my attitude towards the Shi faction and it's portrayal in Fallout 2.......

Tshi: Chinese for the disappointment in the cooking of the duck meat.
Check the wiki it says thats the Canon ending
I checked, and it said Fallout 4 establishes this as canon, but had no citation attached.

If it has no citation, that generally means that they can't find the evidence for it, and therefore should be taken with a pinch of salt.

The Vault, which is in many ways a more reliable wiki, doesn't say anything about which Shi ending is canon.
I would say that the fact they're not mentioned in New Vegas is pretty strong circumstantial evidence that they're not major players in the west. Either dead or amalgamated into the NCR.
I'm inclined to think the Shi are probably fine and part of NCR but I'm inclined to think any technological powerhouseness they were projecting isn't happening. I basically having the "mediocrity of canon" view of them which I apply to the Midwest BoS.

The MBoS is still around, likely, but they never became an Empire like they did in some endings.

They're probably just a set of chapters around Chicago and Colorado.