Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

Some of the information is so wrong, that I am wondering if it was a troll post.
I concur, its probably a troll post.Some of the information is so wrong, that I am wondering if it was a troll post.
Part of me thinks that and part of me thinks that it was made by a tribal fanboy (seeing how much the post shafted New Vegas).Some of the information is so wrong, that I am wondering if it was a troll post.
Not going to disagree with you there on that point at least.There are too many tribal fanboys on both sides.
Ironically it was fairly accurate until it got to things in the actual games. Like the paid more attention to the fallout bible than they did actually paying attention to the games they allegedly love. I guess you can copy paste the fallout bible timeline But not actuall in game lore.just goes to show how much they actually care about these games at least in my opinion.Part of me thinks that and part of me thinks that it was made by a tribal fanboy (seeing how much the post shafted New Vegas).
>Implying they ever read the Fallout bible.Ironically it was fairly accurate until it got to things in the actual games. Like the paid more attention to the fallout bible than they did actually paying attention to the games they allegedly love. I guess you can copy paste the fallout bible timeline But not actuall in game lore.just goes to show how much they actually care about these games at least in my opinion.