So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

It's one small community. In the entirety of Boston, only one small baseball field has shown any signs of progresss in 210 years.Given Diamond City has education, elections, and a centralized economy I'm not sure how that qualifies as an anarchy.
What?Honestly, part of my problem with the Commonwealth was it was too civilized. There's no real stakes as far as I can see for the Sole Survivor to get involved with anything large scale.
An entire area overrun with raiders is somehow too civilized for you? How?
That seems like bad writing on Bethesda's part, as opposed to the world being too civilized tbh.In the Capital Wasteland, I really felt humanity was going to die out in that region and the end of everything was about to happen.
In New Vegas, it's the possible end of NCR and civilization.
In the Commonwealth? Who gives a shit if the Brotherhood of Steel and Institute shoot each other up?
They could have easily written it as though there was something at stake.