A Fallout that spans the whole mainland?

Wasteland Wanderer

First time out of the vault
Think of a Fallout game the would contain a game world from the West coast all the way to the east coast. Basically the entire US mainland. It could include every faction from the NCR to the institute and everything in between. If done right I think it'd be a badass game. Even if it was separated into several smaller world's to help with loading times and to keep everything detailed I would still enjoy that.

Your thoughts?
Considering the amount of factions that would have to be in it I think that the writing for them would be spread far too sparse to make any of them interesting.

The game would be as wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle. No thanks.

However, an MMO that covers a moderate amount of area and over the course of a decade or so of post-release development time continues to expand the gameworld could work. But even then its asking for too much.
Considering the amount of factions that would have to be in it I think that the writing for them would be spread far too sparse to make any of them interesting.

The game would be as wide as an ocean and as deep as a puddle. No thanks.

However, an MMO that covers a moderate amount of area and over the course of a decade or so of post-release development time continues to expand the gameworld could work. But even then its asking for too much.
You make a good point. I can't think of any sort of solution for that other than a development team from God or a huge stroke of luck
Lol FUCK THAT. Sounds like we'd just end up with shitty sparse writing and a whole lot of nothing. Honestly I wish we could just stop making these terrible fallout "sequels" and just keep this universe alive through comic books.
Are there already comic books? If so link me I haven't read them
Why bother with comics book when you can have wonderfull mods like Resurrection or Fallout of Nevada ?
I feel that if a piece of art is done correctly it can show you things you yourself wouldn't have thought about before. That too me is why I like NV a lot. I think a long running Fallout comic written by a good ass writer like Josh would be incredible. It definitely shouldn't kill the games but instead feed the games good examples and material making the both of them better in quality as time goes on.
There was a game like this being made except it was a RTS where you would eventually fight against a Chinese Emperor. Fallout Extreme I think it was.
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I could see that as a non-canon Civilization-like game.

I would rather think more of a Fallout themed HoMM knockoff... That'd actually be awesome, now that I think about it...

It's the same deal of people wanting a pokemon game with all the regions in it: it would become boring after a while.