
First time out of the vault
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That's a cool concept. Is there an English version of the game in development, though? My Cyrillic and Russian are pretty bad. As in, I don't read it and I don't speak it. :P
Looks quite interesting, unfortunately I am like Dopezilla and so I can't read or speak it either :puppy-dog:.
It's a bummer. So far I've encountered lots of Russian total conversions for Fallout or made with the FalloutOnline engine and I've seen multiple post-apocalyptic old school RPG's come from Russia, and in most cases, a translation is never offered. Maybe I should become a comrade and join the motherland.
We can build with English localization, but we don't have the prof-translation.
If you want this, i can do this.
It's a bummer. So far I've encountered lots of Russian total conversions for Fallout or made with the FalloutOnline engine and I've seen multiple post-apocalyptic old school RPG's come from Russia, and in most cases, a translation is never offered. Maybe I should become a comrade and join the motherland.

Join us..... You know it makes sense.......
Hey guys! I'm back

Project ATOM is a post-apocalyptic indie game, inspired by classic CRPGs: Fallout, System Shock, Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate and many others.

In 1986 both the Soviet Union and the Western Bloc were destroyed in mutual nuclear bombings. You are one of the survivors of the nuclear Holocaust. Your mission - to explore the wild and wondrous world of the Soviet Wasteland. To earn your place under the sun. And to investigate a shadowy conspiracy, aimed at destroying all that is left of life on Earth.

Here is a link to our English demo: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=772451440

Let's play:
Hey guys! I'm back

Project ATOM is a post-apocalyptic indie game, inspired by classic CRPGs: Fallout, System Shock, Deus Ex, Baldur's Gate and many others.

In 1986 both the Soviet Union and the Western Bloc were destroyed in mutual nuclear bombings. You are one of the survivors of the nuclear Holocaust. Your mission - to explore the wild and wondrous world of the Soviet Wasteland. To earn your place under the sun. And to investigate a shadowy conspiracy, aimed at destroying all that is left of life on Earth.

Here is a link to our English demo: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=772451440

Let's play:

Thanks for going to the effort!
I can't really watch videos at the moment, but I managed to vote for it on greenlight. I will check the demo when I have time and if it works on this sucky computer.
From the last video; That is the most Fallout looking game I've seen so far.
Gonna go ahead and download the demo and check it out for myself.

Since it is obviously going for a Fallout feel (to the point of ripping off Fallout's style completely (I don't mind, I like it actually)) I am going to criticize it as a kind of alternative Fallout successor. I'll edit this post later when I've tried out the demo.

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All right, so right off the bat? You really need a text-box for character creation that goes into what each stat does and what the skills are useful for as well. I have no idea how skill point gain will work throughout the game just yet but the ability to "tag" skills is something I miss from Fallout which I rarely see nowadays in cRPG's. They're like Major Skills which you can easily specialize in.

Loading a game is fast though, I like that.

Something I dislike is the idea of "minimalistic HUD", it just looks aesthetically displeasing when the screen is that empty in between the action box and the text box.

Why can't you show both weapon slots? Why do I have to click a button or the "b"-key to change it? I mean, it's not like there isn't enough room on the screen to show both weapon slots.

Why isn't there a character screen key? Why do I have to click the button for it in the top right corner?

Pet peeve of mine; I dislike "screen within a screen" when it comes to a character screen. I don't like it in other games and this ones no exception.

The text box should be something the player can extend in length so they don't need to scroll through it constantly.

Personally I think that the text for dialogue should be boldened and perhaps use a fatter font. When it is that thin it can be straining on the eyes.

[edit 2]

I don't know how far along the writing is in this game or how easy it would be to uh... Tweak... But this is something that would bother me greatly. Something that quite a lot of RPG's completely fail at and, well, unless some rewriting is done for this games dialogue it will fail at it too. And that is to give the player character a sense of personality. Most of the dialogue options are straight forward and boring. They have zero personality to them. Remember how you could be a dick who just want to see how far someone would go up in Modoc and get someone to cut off their own finger? Remember how you could bother Renesco with tales of your tribe? Those kind of dialogue options add a very specific element to the roleplaying experience and that is to define what your characters personality is like. It is about having human interaction with the NPC's around you. And this games dialogue... The NPC's got personality. But the player barely doesn't, very rarely does the game allow you to speak like a normal human being from what little I've experienced so far.

So what I'm getting at is that it is boring. The dialogue is boring. It doesn't matter how good the writing is on the NPC's side if the player character side is that of a wooden plank.

[edit 3]

I read a book and it said I gained an ability called rogueslang.perk or something, is there plans to add a perk window to the character screen or something? Cause I have no idea how to find the ability and see what it does.

Too tired for this at the moment, I'll bitch and moan about more stuff tomorrow.
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Oh, this game.

I'm all for new isometric RPGs, but this one to meet the similar complexity and fun of Fallout: Nevada and New Vegas, needs more work and polishing. And also stopping stripping down SPECIAL so much.