Rapid Reload


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
I have this perk listed in each of my planned builds using primarily long range weapons such as guns and energy weapons. Some weapons from my experience have slow reload times including revolvers and lever action rifles and shotguns, and others are quicker. So what I want to know is if this perk is even worth having? I have been looking on the fallout wikia comparing reload times listed for each weapon, but from what I have experienced, some of them are actually incorrect.

What kind of weapons should you take this perk for? What kind of weapons reload fast enough even without the perk? Should the perk even be taken?
What kind of weapons should you take this perk for?
Weapons you use differing ammunitions for, I guess?

I've never actually noticed a difference in reload speed but that's because I try to avoid firefights rather than get into them. My guess is that the perk is more situational than generally useful.